ELDER, SPOTLIGHTS, DOMKRAFT (feat. MARK LANEGAN) and LOWRIDER to release new records on the curated subscription series PostWax in 2019 Sunday November 18 2018, 11:58 AM
 ELDER, SPOTLIGHTS, DOMKRAFT (feat. MARK LANEGAN) and LOWRIDER to release new records on the curated subscription series PostWax in 2019

Ultra-exclusive project offers boundary-pushing one-offs from hand-picked heavy/stoner/doom/psych notables; Kickstarter campaign under way now

This week, Blues Funeral Recordings launched a Kickstarter for their groundbreaking new vinyl subscription project PostWax , a series of limited edition records with jaw-dropping artwork and next-level design for fans of stoner/doom/heavy/psych metal. 

Smashing their initial goal within 36 hours of going live, the Kickstarter continues until December 9th.

Before joining Magnetic Eye Records in 2016, original MeteorCity founder Jadd Shickler was already contemplating a return to the music industry.

MeteorCity had put out seminal releases from Nebula , Unida (with John Garcia of Kyuss ), Spirit Caravan , The Atomic Bitchwax , Dozer , The Obsessed , Truckfighters , Lowrider and Solace , all under Shickler's guidance. 

After selling MeteorCity in 2008, he took a few years away from the business before the stoner/doom underground started calling to him again.  But, in thinking about returning, he wanted to try something besides a traditional label model.

Envisioning what he'd want as a fan himself, Shickler conceived the idea of a curated series of records, one-off releases from an array of heavy/stoner/doom bands both notable and unknown, delivered exclusively as a subscription at regular intervals throughout the year. 

The records would be crafted to appeal equally to both diehard fans of the style and dedicated collectors, with interconnecting cover art and groundbreaking design recalling archival comic book sleeves.

Two years later, and the idea has taken shape in the form of PostWax , now enveloped within new label Blues Funeral Recordings and pushed to ambitious heights with the addition of world-class creative Peder Bergstrand to the team.

In assembling the first year of PostWax releases, the goal was to pull together a dizzying cross-section of phenomenal recognizable bands and impressive newcomers, such that subscribers could reliably sit back and wait, confident that everything coming their way throughout the year would hit that sonic sweet spot. 

PostWax year one will include exclusive new releases from Brooklyn metalgazers SPOTLIGHTS , apocalyptic doomsters DOMKRAFT with a guest appearance by MARK LANEGAN , and desert rock progenitors LOWRIDER , among others, with 7 records total set to land during 2019. 

The series kicks off in February with all-new music from ELDER .

For their release, Elder made a stop in the midst of a European tour last month, entering a Berlin studio for three days of focused jamming to channel the mid-tour high.  Their goal was to explore a different side of the band through a change of scenery, with lots of psychedelic ideas flowing and no experiment too weird to try.  The result is something very different than the band has ever done, a perfect way to launch something as unique as PostWax .

Notably, the PostWax project also has a humanitarian component, with a portion of profits being donated to support youth music education.  From the Kickstarter description:

"In an era when music and arts programs are being increasingly eliminated by school budget cuts and kids are learning about music from Kidzbop and Tik Tok, we want to help make sure kids still have the chance to learn how to play and write real rock music on real instruments.

With that in mind, a chunk of the profits generated by PostWax will be donated to support youth music education programs.  There's nothing extra you need to spend or do, just know that part of the cost of your subscription will go toward this important cause that we really believe in."

The Kickstarter for PostWax can be found here , with plenty of details about the project to outline what subscribers can expect.

Multi-payment subscription options are also being offered via the label at bluesfuneral.com/ , and more details will be revealed in the coming days.

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