Depressive and uplifting - a journey of massive peaks and bottomless caves. Unreqvited Friday October 26 2018, 2:40 PM
Depressive and uplifting - a journey of massive peaks and bottomless caves. Unreqvited

Depressive and uplifting - a journey of massive peaks and bottomless caves. Unreqvitedʼs take on post-black metal is one that paints a canvas of musical diversity, with elements of expansive post-rock, tortured DSBM vocals, shimmering blackgaze melodies, and grandiose orchestral segments.

With their debut LP Disquiet, Unreqvited laid down the foundation for their somber, melancholic sound by using hallmark principles of black metal like torrential blastbeats and tremolo sparingly, instead opting for emphasis on melodies and synthesizers to invoke thoughts of frozen woodlands and a troubled internal state.

Sophomore LP Stars Wept to the Sea featured a new approach to the genre: drifting and dreamlike with crystalline keys and soaring guitar riffs, yet scalding vocals continue to convey torture and pain. Unusual and intriguing, the music is a study in contrasts. Stars Wept was a huge step forward towards maturity, adding tons of new ideas, sparks, and personality to the Unreqvited sound. The album'ʼs bright, shimmering atmosphere exuded a sense of triumph in the face of a genre often rooted in despair.

Mosaic I: l'amour et l'ardeur might be Unreqvitedʼs most ambitious effort to date. Though only 40 minutes in length, their third LP explores far more hopeful territory, deeply rooted in post-rock and orchestral influences. Apart from the harrowing, tormented shrieking vocals, little to no black metal influences remain from their previous releases. It instead features majestic and hopeful refrains, wonderfully evocative progressions, and angelic, delicate atmospheres. The byproduct is a captivating new sound that may be completely unique to the genre.


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