FABULOUS DESASTER: "Off With Their Heads" will be released on November 16th! Thursday October 18 2018, 8:31 PM
FABULOUS DESASTER: "Off With Their Heads" will be released on November 16th!

The new Fabulous Desaster album, entitled "Off With Their Heads", will be released on November 16th by Black Sunset/MDD!

Produced by Armin Rave at Soundsight Studio Hennef, a pure thrash metal steamroller awaits you! With "Off With Their Heads" Fabulous Desaster move from the Bay Area Zone to Germany, to the Rhine, in an attempt to outdo their already successful debut-album, "Hang Em High" (2016).

// german //
FABULOUS DESASTER: "Off With Their Heads" erscheint am 16. November!
Das neue Fabulous Desaster Album, welches den Titel "Off With Their Heads" trägt, wird am 16. November bei Black Sunset/MDD erscheinen!
Produziert von Armin Rave im Soundsight Studio Hennef erwartet den geneigten Hörer ein wahres Thrash Metal Feuerwerk. Mit „Off With Their Heads“ verorten Fabulous Desaster mal eben die Bay Area an den Rhein, und legen zu ihrem 2016er Debut Album "Hang 'em High" mal eben locker noch eine Schippe drauf. Be Prepared!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fabulousdesaster/
Website: https://www.fabulousdesaster.de/
Bandcamp: https://fabulousdesaster.bandcamp.com/

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