Weapon of Pride and Alberto Rigoni Featured Alongside HELLOWEEN in Metal Injection’s The Weekly Injection! Thursday December 26 2024, 5:17 PM
Weapon of Pride and Alberto Rigoni Featured Alongside HELLOWEEN in Metal Injection’s The Weekly Injection!


Weapon of Pride and Alberto Rigoni Featured Alongside HELLOWEEN in Metal Injection’s The Weekly Injection

Metal Devastation PR is proud to announce that two of its standout clients, Weapon of Pride and Alberto Rigoni, have been featured in Metal Injection’s highly regarded The Weekly Injection! Sharing the spotlight with none other than metal legends HELLOWEEN, this recognition underscores the growing impact of these talented artists within the global metal scene.

Weapon of Pride and Alberto Rigoni bring unique artistry to the table, each representing their own style. This feature in The Weekly Injection highlights the strength of the underground scene and the exceptional talent emerging from Metal Devastation PR’s roster.

“We’re beyond thrilled to see our clients in such incredible company. A huge thanks to Metal Injection for shining a light on these artists and their phenomenal work,” says Zach Moonshine, founder of Metal Devastation PR.

Stay tuned for more updates and releases from Weapon of Pride, Alberto Rigoni, and the entire Metal Devastation PR family as they continue to make waves in the metal world.

For press inquiries, interviews, or additional information: zach@metaldevastationradio.com

Check it out here at this link: https://metalinjection.net/upcoming-releases/heavy-new-releases/the-weekly-injection-new-releases-from-helloween-frontierer-more-out-the-weeks-of-12-13-thru-12-27


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