"Oblique" by Passage, releasing on November 10, 2023, is a self-released instrumental journey through a blend of Post-Rock and Cinematic music, reflecting on life's unpredictable challenges. Crafted in Québec's Hell Studio, it's a modest ode to resilience, inviting listeners to explore a spectrum of emotions amidst tender orchestrations by the trio and guest violist Catherine Elvira Chartier. Thursday November 16 2023, 7:00 PM
"Oblique" by Passage, releasing on November 10, 2023, is a self-released instrumental journey through a blend of Post-Rock and Cinematic music, reflecting on life's unpredictable challenges. Crafted in Québec's Hell Studio, it's a modest ode to resilience, inviting listeners to explore a spectrum of emotions amidst tender orchestrations by the trio and guest violist Catherine Elvira Chartier.

"Oblique" is a heartfelt chapter in the unfolding narrative of the Canadian band Passage. It’s their fourth studio album, but distinctly the second journey into a refined musical ethos that began with 2022’s “Voyage.” Set to touch hearts on November 10, 2023, the album is a self-released endeavor that humbly offers an instrumental voyage through the realms of Post-Rock, Progressive Rock, Shoegaze, and Cinematic music.

The trio—Sébastien Robitaille (guitars, bass, male choirs, additional piano & instrumentation), Thierry Nadeau-Cossette (piano & orchestration), and Luc Gaulin (drums & percussion)—have carefully crafted a tapestry of emotions within the six tracks of “Oblique.” Each track is a whisper of life’s ephemeral moments, exploring the soft melancholy of farewells, the fragile hope that blossoms in adversity, and the silent acceptance of life’s oblique challenges.

The title “Oblique” itself is a gentle acknowledgment of life’s unpredictable turns, often coming from the most unexpected directions, leaving us with a myriad of emotions to navigate through. This album is a modest ode to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of these unforeseen challenges.

The recording journey took them to the quaint ambiance of Hell Studio, Donnacona (Québec), where Sébastien Robitaille meticulously engineered and mixed the sounds, with Nick Tremblay lending his mastering touch to ensure the essence of each note reached the listeners intact. The album’s visual identity was tenderly crafted by Véronique Mercier, while the viola’s soft murmurs were brought to life by guest musician Catherine Elvira Chartier.

For those who find solace in the ambient musings of bands like We Stood Like Kings, Sigur Ros, or King Crimson, “Oblique” by Passage might whisper the right notes to your heart. It’s not just an album, but a humble invitation to traverse through the myriad shades of human emotions, with each track being a step closer to both external and internal realms of understanding and acceptance.

Bandcamp: https://passageofficial.bandcamp.com
Facebook: https://facebook.com/passagequebec
Youtube: @passageofficial" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/@passageofficial
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4O1m8KAkePVVsJPdh86TqV
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/official_passage
Twitter: https://x.com/passageofficial
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/officialpassage
Tik tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@passage_official

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