Foul Body Autopsy prepare to launch Crucifix Dreams EP, featuring guests from King Diamond, Death, Megadeth and Testament! Monday October 2 2023, 1:18 PM
Foul Body Autopsy prepare to launch Crucifix Dreams EP, featuring guests from King Diamond, Death, Megadeth and Testament!

Having reached the end of the challenging, emotional ride that was the three part Shadows Without Light project, an odyssey through the grieving process which featured some demanding and adventurous musical experimentation alongside the soul searching lyrics, Tom Reynolds has decided to steer Foul Body Autopsy back into the crimson waters of blood and nightmares. The new EP Crucifix Dreams is on the way and it’s a gory feast of riffs and horror!

The title track of the new EP is a song that has haunted Tom for years, refusing to fit on to any of the previous Foul Body Autopsy releases, demanding a platform of its own – and this is not the kind of song you argue with! Inspired by the heinous crimes of John George Haigh, the Acid Bath Murderer and his disturbing night time visions, ‘Crucifix Dreams’ is a chilling, exhilarating rush of terror, formed from twisted riffs, spiralling solos and a savage vocal attack. To do this beast of a song justice Tom assembled an incredible line-up of musicians, a veritable metal dream team: Dirk Verbeuren (Megadeth) on drums and Steve Di Giorgio (Testament) on bass, with guitar solos being provided by Andy LaRocque (King Diamond) and Bobby Koelble (Death) and an unnerving spoken word intro from Simon Shaw (Temple of Lies). ‘Crucifix Dreams’ sounds exactly as you would expect that ensemble, backing the renowned Foul Body Autopsy riff machine, to sound – and it’s fantastic! Completing the EP there are three vicious live tracks, recorded in Leicester in April 2023, all of which hark back to Foul Body Autopsy’s most savage early days. Added together these four songs make for one of the most intense and wickedly satisfying releases in the entire Foul Body Autopsy canon.

Completed by the stunning artwork of Dan Goldsworthy (Aborted, Corpsegrinder, Inhuman Condition etc) and mastered to pulverizing perfection by Katie Tavini (Hundred Reasons, Ash, Bloc Party etc), Crucifix Dreams will be coming your way on Halloween! October 31st will be more blood curdling and terrifying than ever before, with Foul Body Autopsy on the prowl!

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