Bluntface Records & Fryette Amplification Press Release Thursday July 19 2018, 8:40 PM
Bluntface Records & Fryette Amplification Press Release

Bluntface Records & Fryette Amplification proudly present:

New Fryette Endorsed Artist Haniel Adhar , Guitarist for Black Metal band Pontifex and Brass-Death Metal Band Markradonn

Bluntface Records Recording Artist Haniel Adhar is the newest addition to the Fryette Amplification Family.


Haniel will be using the Fryette 2/90/2 power amp to record guitars for both the Pontifex Debut …From The Pale Mist and the first full length Markradonn album featuring a full-time brass ensemble entitled DUR.AN.KI : The Bond Heaven-Earth , both due out by the end of 2018.

“The 2/90/2 Power Amp” says Haniel “is hands down the best sounding, most dynamic power amp I have ever heard up close.  Compared to a Mesa Boogie Simul-Class 2:90, the 2/90/2 has greater clarity, more punch, and superior articulation of the sound.  The second I dropped it into my rig, the sound improvement was noticeable.  And it is LOUD, but at lower volume levels it still retains its tone.  I’m blown away.  The only thing I changed in my rig was the power amp, and it was the difference maker. “

Look for demo videos, pictures, and playthroughs of new music from Pontifex and Markradonn 
using the Fryette 2/90/2 Power Amp coming soon in 2018.

You can check out Pontifex and Markradonn @: pontifex & markradonn

Get your Fryette 2/90/2 Power Amp here! ninety-two/


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