Corey Taylor is Losing Twitter Followers Over His Vocal Anti-Trump Stance? Wednesday July 18 2018, 7:50 PM
Corey Taylor is Losing Twitter Followers Over His Vocal Anti-Trump Stance?

Slipknot / Stone Sour vocalist Corey Taylor has weighed in on U.S. President Donald Trump's meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, calling the President a "coward" for taking Putin's words at face value when he said that Russia was not responsible for tampering with the 2016 election.

"I’ve noticed a loss of followers over the last few days," the singer wrote in a tweet. "Maybe it’s my political views catching up [with] me. Maybe it’s this bot test weeding out all the [bullshit]. What I  do know is this: anyone who watched this 'president' [with] Putin learned the definition of ‘coward.’"

Taylor also responded to a fan who commented, "I think they learned a lot more than that, one would hope, at least." He replied, "One would hope. But I’ve been wrong before..."

Additionally, the vocalist has been retweeting statements from public figures, such as Dan Rather and Tom Nichols . "The President of the United States trusts the word of a former KGB agent over the consensus of the American intelligence community backed by a ton of facts," wrote Rather in one tweet . "That is a shocking reality. Everyone who excuses Trump’s behavior must answer that now, and when history inevitably judges."

Taylor is obviously aware of the response to him sharing his thoughts on Trump's actions. How do you feel about him offering his two cents? Leave us a comment with your thoughts. Via Loudwire

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