Kingsphere - Enigmatic - Reviewed By POWERMETAL! Wednesday December 14 2022, 8:45 PM
Kingsphere - Enigmatic - Reviewed By POWERMETAL!

Kingsphere - Enigmatic - Reviewed By POWERMETAL ! Check it out here at this link:,39611.html

Musically very trendy, but with room for improvement when it comes to songwriting.

If Corona has given us one thing, it's a lot of newcomers and band projects who have banded together in the loneliness and boredom of lockdown to channel their frustration into music. I suspect a similar situation behind KINGSPHERE from Poland, because just a little over a year after the band was founded, "Enigmatic" is already the first long-distance film in the starting blocks, which is supposed to introduce the quartet to the metal world and probably only under the conditions of the past year could arise so quickly.

Musically, the foursome throws around the terms "Oldschool Melodic Death Metal", "Synthesiser" and "Metalcore", which can mean pretty much everything between CHILDREN OF BODOM and ELECTRIC CALLBOY. Already the actual opener 'Demolition', which follows the short intro 'Impending Doom (Intro)', shows that the truth lies somewhere between these two poles. The lead guitars in particular make you think of Alexi Laiho, while the constantly present synthesizers, the abundantly built-in clean vocals and the breakdown in the middle of the track clearly squint in the direction of modern Metalcore. Unfortunately, it's the singing that doesn't really pick me up and the electronic gimmicks don't really fit into the overall picture either,

The title track then drops all allusions to the Gothenburg sound and instead obviously squints in the direction of Djent on the six-string, but overall convinces with a more pleasing mixture of growls and clear vocals, as well as a strong hook line. For the time being, however, the number remains an outlier on the quality scale, because 'Clouds Collide' and 'The Flight' then try to set new records in terms of kitsch, sometimes sound like 80s pop and mix the many synth gimmicks with plenty of dull core outbursts of anger It then continues between these two poles in the further course of the record, whereby the quartet always sounds convincing when it either relies on great guitar work ('Point Of Light' ) or delivers modern Metalcore with strong hooklines ('Ready For Your War'). In between, however, many numbers of the twelve-track season lose themselves in triviality, which is why "Enigmatic" never really convinces me until the end.

So what do you end up doing with a record that musically fits into the currently popular Metalcore trend, but still leaves room for improvement when it comes to songwriting? Well, fans of the aforementioned variety and friends of present keyboards in a metallic context can put the Poles on the notepad and maybe risk an ear now, but to keep up with the genre pioneers, the foursome still lacks a good portion of compositional skill. - POWERMETAL

Release Date: 07.10.2022 

FFO: All That Remains, The Browning, Amaranthe

Location:  Silesia, Poland

Short Bio: Kingsphere was formed in early 2021 in Silesia, Poland. It's a clever mix of old-school melodic death metal, modern metalcore and electronic. Heavy riffs, catchy melodies and just enough breakdowns.

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