Rammstrum - My Heart Burns - Reviewed By hardrockinfo! Thursday December 8 2022, 2:36 PM
Rammstrum - My Heart Burns - Reviewed By hardrockinfo!

Rammstrum - My Heart Burns - Reviewed By hardrockinfo ! Check it out here at this link: http://www.hardrockinfo.com/reviews/2022/october.html#rammstrum-heart

RAMMSTRUM is based in Los Angeles, and was created by members of WORLDWIDE PANIC. The idea behind this project is to take RAMMSTEIN songs and adding their own twist. Which means that it could be a mashup of songs or a English version of a song.
And what we have here is a English version of "Mein Herz Brennt", which they do pretty good. It absolutely works in English too.
It will be interesting to hear what they will come up with next time. - hardrockinfo

Release Date:10/14/22

FFO: Rammstein

Location: LA, California USA

Short Bio: Created by Lane Steele of the band Worldwide Panic, Rammstrum Is a project that looks to add to the universe of Rammstein.  This is done by taking their songs and adding our own twist. It might be a mashup, it might be in English but if your a Fan of Rammstein do not miss out on what Rammstrum does!

Lane Steele: "Some of you know I am the guitarist and producer of the tribute band Rammstrum. Our goal with this project was to take Rammstein songs and give ‘em a twist one way or the other. So in this song we did an English version of “Mein Hertz Brent” which translates to “My Heart Burns”. This track is MASSIVE! The production that went into it was beyond. As well as we had the honor of having Howie Weinberg master the track as he was the one to master the original song. Oct 14th! Don’t miss out! Check out the song! If your a Ramm fan you don’t wanna miss this!!!"

Check out this video!

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