Elf Queen - Breathe Out Fire (EP) - Reviewed At POWERMETAL! Thursday February 24 2022, 11:11 PM
Elf Queen - Breathe Out Fire (EP) - Reviewed At POWERMETAL!

Elf Queen - Breathe Out Fire (EP) - Reviewed At POWERMETAL ! Check it out here at this link: http://www.powermetal.de/review/review-Elf_Queen/Breathe_Out_Fire__EP_,38889.html

Hard to categorize EP from Los Angeles with kauz factor.

It was only at the end of October 2021 that the duo ELF QUEEN from Los Angeles, supported by guest musicians, released their debut EP "Glory To The Brave" on their own. Now follows the second work "Breathe Out Fire" - again an in-house production, which, like its predecessor, is unfortunately only available digitally at Bandcamp. The style of the band is very difficult to describe. The EP combines elements of Epic Metal, without being Epic Metal in the narrower sense, with components of Pop and Alternative Rock (this only as a hint for allergy sufferers). I meant echoes of Alanis Morissette and early PANIC! AT THE DISCO - but only sporadically - to hear. Overall, the mix is so idiosyncratic that the potential audience is likely to be extremely small. At first, it is also a bit of a deterrent that one does not seem to attach much importance to sound aesthetics. This is particularly noticeable when you read the songs with headphones. Many a band skilfully uses the stylistic device lo-fi to differentiate themselves from the mainstream. But especially with the opener 'Become Gods', the listening experience can be described as rather unprissory, because it rattles badly. Especially the drums are a bit ungracious on the whole EP. This should be remedied as far as possible in the future.

To ELF QUEEN's credit, however, it is an in-house production with a certainly low budget. The unfinished also has charm. The synthwave elements seem quite extravagant and unmotivated at first contact ('The Darkest Side Of You'), but underline the independence of the band. And here is also the positive part of the review initiated. Decisive for the overall effect is definitely the voice of singer Kelysey, which has a high recognition value and which one would actually rather locate in folk. Occasional uncertainties have not been reworked, but this is not significant. The songs also know how to please and unfold a considerable addictive potential with each further run. If you consider attributes such as "obscure", "offside", "strange", etc. to be indispensable search criteria for the discovery of new music, you should sharpen the elven tubes - if they are not already pointed - and deal with "Breathe Out Fire" in detail. Without wanting to draw closer stylistic parallels, those who need the music of bands like GRENDEL'S SYSTER or BLACK SWORD THUNDER ATTACK like the air to breathe could enjoy this unusual EP. A certain melancholy pervades all five pieces, which does not leave one untouched. Especially 'Summer' is simply dear to the heart. But also 'Breathe Out Fire' and 'The Darkest Side Of You' have strong hooklines. The potential for future great deeds is definitely there. The cover motif of the fire-breathing purple dragon and the logo also capture the spirit of "Breathe Out Fire" perfectly. I don't fall to my knees before the Elven Queen yet, but I pay my respects to her. - POWERMETAL

Release Date: February 14, 2022

FFO: Amberian Dawn, Arven, Nightwish, Sirenia, Evanescence, Halestorm, Flyleaf


On a dark, dusty, desert highway on the road to Hel stands a Tavern, called the Orcs Head. Inside you hear the searing sounds of siren song- the voice of Kelsey, the queen of the Elves in exile. Next to her stands her chief advisor and the only surviving member of her court, kindly Uncle Hauk. Together they play the songs of their people, the songs of love, of loss, of fire and death and magic and life and war. Kingdoms may fall, but the songs always remain…

Check out this video!


Line up

Kelsey - vocals

Uncle Hauk - guitars, backing vocals, keys and programming

Those loyal to the Queen:

Chuck Peterson -drums (also plays with Thaddeus Black, Elliot Lewis, and Live from Daryl's House)

Dylan Cronin - bass (Pervade, the Pirates Charles, Black Hat Society)

Recording Info:

All songs written and produced by Hauk, published Baldur Rising Music SESAC

Recorded at Cave Studios Encino, California 

Vocals recorded at Steady Studios Burbank, California engineered by Gavin Ross

Drums recorded by Jaeme Starchild at The Artist Collective, Hartford Connecticut 

Mixed and Mastered by Hauk

Hauk uses Optima Strings, StrumNComfort thumbpicks, G7th Capos, Cryotone Guitars, Wathen Audiophile Monitors, Gold Tone Musical Instruments, and Zero Glide Nuts

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