Affection - Remnants - Reviewed By Metallerium! Tuesday January 25 2022, 3:07 PM
Affection - Remnants - Reviewed By Metallerium!

Affection - Remnants - Reviewed By Metallerium ! Check it out here at this link:

"Remnants" is the title of the debut album of the band Affection from Helsinki, Finland Affection, is a work composed of ten pieces and a duration of approximately 40 minutes and is available by the Omnicult Records label. The idea of Affection is good at showing very energetic songs, with very good riffs that apart from being somewhat heavy has its doses of melodic moments so as not to mark a single line on the guitar. Like all work there are always songs that shine brighter than others and in "Remnants" is no exception. "Man In the Shadow" is the first piece of this album, which after its first minute is pure intensity, making you remember Misfits just as "Since Blood" presents a little more melody, this is one of the promotional themes of this album. "Inherit Silence" is the softest moment of "Remnants" as it is a piece that takes place part-time. "Animal" and "Kingdom Absorbia" are the longest songs on this album, both have more than 6 minutes in length, songs with a different structure since there are relevant time changes good way to culminate this material. Affection gives us a good debut album with "Remnants" which the energy and intensity is very present, recommended material, material not very suitable for some trues of the metal scene. - Metallerium

Release Date: January 21st 2022

FFO: Stone Sour, Avenged Sevenfold, Five Finger Death Punch

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Since the beginning of 2013, Affection has been roaring by mixing elements mainly from modern rock and alternative metal. Striving from Helsinki, Finland, this indomitable power engine combines hard hitting guitar riffs, rhytmic energy and memorable melodies with rich and powerful lyrics. The band is known for their explosive live shows, and their new album “Remnants” delivers a versatile and relentless experience with a certain depth. “Remnants” will be released 21st January 2022.

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