Kravt Durch Krebs – Schmerzkörper - Featured At BATHORY ́zine ! Check it out here at this link:
Release Date: September 11th 2021
FFO: Totenmond, Woods of Ypres, Napalm Death, Dead Can Dance, Darkthrone, Paysage d´Hiver
Genre: Ambient, Black Metal, Noise, Avantgarde, Spoken word, Doom, Dissonant, Metal, Lo-fi
Label: Independent
Kravt durch Krebs delivers a fine example of modern conscious black metal, combining the production and attitude values of old school bands like Celtic Frost and Hellhammer with new age lyricism and perception.
Kravt durch Krebs is a one person Band . The one Bandmember goes by the Alter Ego "Knecht Geiper". This Project will never ever play any live shows but will continue to put out music. It is meant to sound disturbing and raw with a fuck that attitude. The feeling while recording the songs was more important than the output itself - so the songs have many "happy accidents" and are far away from a good polished sound and perfect playing. The lyrics are intended not to be heard clearly. It is more about feeling the vocals vibe than understanding everything. Kravt durch Krebs translated means (Power through Cancer), usually it would be written Kraft instead of Kravt. The Album Title translated means Pain Body
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