EVIL SPELL - “Padre Vostro” - Reviewed At Black Metal Ist Krieg! Sunday October 24 2021, 3:20 PM
EVIL SPELL - “Padre Vostro” - Reviewed At Black Metal Ist Krieg!

EVIL SPELL - “Padre Vostro” - Reviewed At Black Metal Ist Krieg ! Check it out here at this link: https://www.blackmetalistkrieg.net/?p=13587

The Lombard Evil Spell have been around for fifteen years now and have two full lengths ("Antisocial Satan" and "Necrology", published respectively in 2010 and 2013), as well as a couple of demos and a split in the company of the Turin Gemini: with this "Padre Vostro" they therefore reach the important goal of the third effort on the long distance, the one that traditionally marks the fate of a band (not always, of course). And it must be said that our four wild friends, while showing off a writing and a performance perhaps more mature and meditated than in the past and a recording certainly better, do not give up a fiercely underground attitude and do not intend to change too much the stylistic coordinates of their musical proposal, which remains substantially unchanged. We are in fact faced with an evil and murderous album, which looks to the past and makes the old school attitude its raison d'ism, mixing influences coming in equal measure from realities such as Exodus, Sodom, Bathory, Venom, Slayer, seasoning everything with generous doses of traditionally eighty heavy metal, for a final result that can be effectively described as a concentrate of wild and uncompromising speed/thrash/black, comparable to what has been done by bands such as Bewitched or Bonehunter, to name two more recent.

When we talk about black metal in relation to Evil Spell we must point out that it is an element present in their music to a lesser extent and in any case to be understood in the sense that this genre was gave before the Scandinavian wave of the early nineties: more than anything else the black element is traceable in the rough and amateur approach, in the lyrics, in the attitude and iconography of our heroes. I think it is therefore quite clear what we are going to listen to once we press the play button and equally clear is the blatantly retro approach of Evil Spell, halfway between the nostalgia operation and the conscious desire to continue a certain musical discourse, which for some could be overcome but which continues to count numerous admirers, old and new.

And this "Padre Vostro" is a record that must be taken "from the belly", without too many intellectual or classifying fisime, for what it is, or ignorance in the wild, arrogant womb, blasphemy to go-go, but also undoubted ability to write beautiful songs, which in their dimension work properly and that could even have an extra gear live. And in fact, listening to pieces like the title track, "Cardinal Rapist", "Antisocial Satan" (which in my opinion wins the palm of the best song of the lot) and "Sacrifice" it will be really impossible to hold back the little headbanger who dwells in each of us from furiously scapocciare. But these are not just songs "frenetic speed and frontal assault" because Evil Spell prove to be at ease even in the most cadenced and slowed down moments and to be able to build relatively varied structures, as far as allowed by the genre of choice. In conclusion, "Padre Vostro" is a genuine and sincere work, which exudes sweat and passion: a record that does not make great promises but that keeps everything it promises, while not making you cry out for a miracle. For aficionados of this kind of sound a listening is absolutely recommended. - Black Metal Ist Krieg

22 OCTOBER: EVIL SPELL  “Padre Vostro”  CD Release!

Another band is joining the roster of Blasphemous Records - Music for the Masses Records…and it’s EVILSPELL who’s been active in the metal scene for over a decade.

The agreement provides for the release of the new record, entitled “Padre Vostro”, which will feature 9 new tracks in pure Speed/Black  EVIL SPELL style, by fans of early Kreator, Sodom, Hellhammer and Nifelheim .

“PADRE VOSTRO” will be released on October, 22, 2021 and will be distributed by Sleaszy Rider Records  (USA and Mexico), Code 7 (Europe), Egea Music (Italy) and digitally on all digital music stores. The promotion will be entrusted to Metal Devastation USA, Grand Sounds (Europe) and Mazzarella Press Office (Italy).

Check out this video from their last album!


Anti Social Satan  2010
Necrology   2013
Padre Vostro   2021

Evil Spell line up:

Filo Guitar/Vocals
Paul Guitar/Screams
Gigi Bass/Screams
Igor Drums/Screams

Follow the band at these links:





cover Evil Spell high res.jpg

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