ROCK N ROLL ARMY: Don't Ya Treat Me Bad - Reviewed By Hard Rock Info! Saturday June 26 2021, 8:28 PM
ROCK N ROLL ARMY: Don't Ya Treat Me Bad - Reviewed By Hard Rock Info!

ROCK N ROLL ARMY : Don't Ya Treat Me Bad - Reviewed By Hard Rock Info ! Check it out here at this link:

This seems to be a new project with Captain Marco Mendess (ex-S.E.X. DEPARTMENT). And "Don't Ya Treat Me Bad" is the second single from ROCK N ROLL ARMY. He call the music "black boogie" - "It's black colored Boogie Woogie, when classic Rock n Roll meets Heavy Metal and turns into Rockabilly for vampires", as it says in the info. But to make it easier for ourselves we just call it hard rock, o.k.? Because that's what it sounds like to me anyway. And this song is very catchy and melodic, and therefore perfect for the summer. - Hard Rock Info

Captain Marco Mendess ( ex S.E.X. Department ) is back with his new project ROCK N ROLL ARMY. 
The second single Don't ya treat me bad is out right now, entirely created, recorded, mixed and mastered by Captain Mendess, in an all new music style called "black boogie", conceived by himself. It's black colored Boogie Woogie, when classic Rock n Roll meets Heavy Metal and turns into Rockabilly for vampires. 

Don't ya treat me bad:
The song is about the musician who asks to be left alone to create his art and not to be constantly harassed by requests from other people around him who try to change his behavior and the course of his life.

Check out the video!

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We are not a band, we are The Army of Rock n Roll always operating for you and your favorite music. 

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