XXV Anniversary of BLACK ALTAR and new release plan Wednesday April 14 2021, 8:32 PM
XXV Anniversary of BLACK ALTAR and new release plan

In April, Black Altar celebrates its 25th anniversary. On this occasion, the founder of the band - Shadow - published a small statement:

“25 years have passed since I recorded my debut demo. I didn’t think this adventure would last that long. I would like to thank everyone who supported my activities during this quarter of a century, as well as those who criticized them because perhaps this perversely encouraged me to continue my activities. During this long period, I had great moments with the band, which brought me great satisfaction and confirmed that what I do makes sense, as well as bad moments, problems with the line-up, criticism or the death of ex-guitarist Lord von Skaven during the last New Year's Eve. It all shaped me as a man and a performer.

Black Altar's biography is not very rich for such a long period of activity, but this will slowly change in the upcoming years. We have 17 new songs ready. It's been 13 years since the last album, and slowly it's time for its successor, but before that, there will be 3 splits. First with Norwegian Vulture Lord in October, 2 more the following year. I cannot announce the names yet, I can only say that they are well known and respected bands with a long history. The band also plans to start concert activities. So this journey continues and I am curious where it will lead ... "

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On the occasion of the 25th anniversary, jubilee Longsleeves and T-shirts have been released and are available for purchase at the Odium Rec store: www.odiumrex.com/webshop or www.odiumrecords.bandcamp.com

We remind the last clip of Black Altar from the split with Norwegian Kirkebrann:


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