Cellar Vessel - Vein Beneath The Soil - Reviewed By World Of Metal! Monday January 25 2021, 7:53 PM
Cellar Vessel - Vein Beneath The Soil - Reviewed By World Of Metal!

Cellar Vessel - Vein Beneath The Soil - Reviewed By World Of Metal ! Check it out here at this link: https://worldofmetalmag.com/wom-reviews-temponaut-slowly-building-weapons-bulb-prospects-cellar-vessel-virtual-symmetry-hybrid-spirits-gladjekallor/

This debut - which is not a debut - by the Americans left me confused. This is because in 2014 they released another debut, with the same title and with some of the songs that are contained here - not knowing the work, I cannot say if the similarity goes beyond the titles. It would be enough to think that there is something here that doesn't smell good and move on to the next one - and the list is huge! However, what has to be said is that this is an impressive death metal album. The label of atmospheric and progressive can be misleading - especially because nowadays more and more progressive things that are anything but that. However, we can even find elements, at the level of fine technique but more than being progressive, what we find most are elements of melodic black metal. In fact, by the intro, I could have sworn that this would be the route followed. It is an interesting album that manages to captivate without great difficulties for those who like the melodies of melodic black metal (especially the keyboard lines) of the early nineties with more technical death metal. It works. Let us now wait for a second (or third) album to see the evolution.

Fernando Ferreira


Cellar Vessel's debut album “Vein Beneath The Soil” is an epic journey through cinematic dreamscapes and crushing death grooves, with moments of flamenco and jazz influences. This album was composed by Jake Schreuder in the isolation of the mountainous wilderness of Montana. Much like the unpredictable and often schizophrenic weather patterns deep in those mountains, the moods and styles of “Vein Beneath The Soil” shift in an awe inspiring range of emotions. Accented by Navarro's thundering drums, and Scotto's piercing vocals, "Vein Beneath The Soil" is a beautiful melodic descension into madness.


The seed for Cellar Vessel was planted in 2013, when Jake Schreuder sought to bring his compositions out of his dismal college dwelling, and into a legitimate project. With passions fixed on isolation and creativity, Schreuder posted the oxymoronic ad, “Calling All Musical Introverts.” Chris Navarro, an aspiring extreme drummer, was the sole replier. From that day forward, Navarro and Schreuder intertwined musical discipline, friendship, and unrelenting criticism in an effort to push them to their creative limits. Cellar Vessel’s first song, Murk was written in their first week of playing together, and rehearsed obsessively. Navarro, ever the exacting drummer, told Schreuder that his maximum blast/double bass speed at the time was 190 BPM, which in turn caused Schreuder to designate the song’s tempo to 191 bpm. This sort of encouraging musical cruelty laid the foundation for what was to eventually become an album’s worth of material on Vein Beneath The Soil. 

Although the 3 members of Cellar Vessel now span across the country, the project originated in the musically deprived small town of Bozeman, Montana. The band was created, first and foremost, as a project meant for the author’s alone. But as skills and compositions progressed, the compulsion for live feedback became more appealing. Cellar Vessel’s music was rehearsed and practiced as instrumental pieces for over 3 years, until Dario Scotto was recommended by a close friend of the band. Scotto arrived with a small booklet of lyrics, which he spewed with magnificent guttural prowess over Navarro and Schreuder’s compositions. The intensity of the music paired with Scotto’s horrifying shrieks and desperate growls was the final piece of the puzzle. 4 years later, after a small handful of shows supporting nationally renowned artists, Cellar Vessel once again became reclusive and its members isolated themselves across the country in an effort to continually progress their disciplines. Now, this 8 year journey and its many lessons have realized this projects maturity, and signaled its readiness to be released to the public. Schreuder, Scotto and Navarro proudly present their first full length album: Vein Beneath the Soil.






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