Streaming Now! Without Mercy's Ambitious New Album “Seismic” ft. Jeff Loomis, Chris Broderick Tuesday November 17 2020, 5:47 PM
Streaming Now! Without Mercy's Ambitious New Album “Seismic” ft. Jeff Loomis, Chris Broderick

L-R – Ryan Loewen (Bass) DJ Temple (Guitars) Alex Friis (Vocals) Matt Helie (Drums)
Photo Credit: Shimon Karmel

Without Mercy have been teasing their upcoming album over the past weeks and the time is now for worldwide audiences to bask in the glory that is “Seismic”.

The vast majority of the material for “Seismic” was written and rewritten multiple times. Honed and tightened over tours and live performances, Without Mercy were unwilling to place “filler” to enhance anything. They came at this album with the best of everything they had after our inspirations were doing the same. The band shares their excitement for the release:

“We are beyond stoked to have our new album “Seismic” see the light of day. We couldn’t be more proud to have it out on Bloodblast distribution and powered by Nuclear Blast. These guys really got our album and understood what we were aiming for in style and composition. They get it. They really get it.”

For this album, Without Mercy wrote each song as an individual first and then grouped several songs together. Every inch of these tunes was going to be the best representation they could possibly get, this album represents four years of solid work ethic and unwillingness to compromise even in the slightest.

This is a chance to hear what tenacity can sound like. Lyrics that are an honest take on issues, riffs that have been refined over time, drum parts, and rhythms that are not standard or washed out. Even the mixing team behind it has a resume as long as your arm. The band pushed themselves in every field of this record and now that it’s here, fans can relive those moments.

For fans of Cattle Decapitation, Pantera, and Decapitated, the full stream of “Seismic” can be heard via its premiere on WeAreThePit HERE .

Suitable for every groove-loving metalhead out there, “Seismic” comes out on November 20, 2020, via Bloodblast Distribution. 

Album Pre-Save  HERE . Physical Pre-Order at .

Spotify playlist add  HERE .

Music Videos:
Uprooted - YouTube
Disinfect The Soul - YouTube

Track Listing:
1. Thunderbird (ft. Jeff Loomis) (4:53)
2. Abysmal (5:42)
3. Left Alone (4:00)
4. Wiindigo (4:55)
5. Disinfect The Soul  (ft. Chris Broderick) (7:18)
6. The Disaster (3:52)
7. Possessed (4:04)
8. I Break The Chain (4:44)
9. Uprooted (4:58)
Album Length: 44:29

For more info:  

“The thrash-stomp modes on “Worthless” ring like a head-on collision between DECAPITATED and BIOHAZARD with a dash of power metal thrown into the solo section. Alex Friis wrings his throat to huge extremes, hopefully leaving tissue intact as he hits agonizing squeals while throwing indictments against former band members — guess on your own who that might entail. DJ Temple’s guitar work on “Worthless” is terrific..” (Mouchido EP 2016) – Blabbermouth
“Vancouver’s Without Mercy is a prime example of how putting in a little bit of elbow grease can result in advantageous outcomes. The quartet play their brand of melodic, groove-laden death metal independently, but refuse to remain held back by a lack in the promotional and money machine backing departments. Over the course of a decade or so, the band has experienced the same highs and lows as most others, but their successes – which include a small handful of recordings, a bigger handful of tours, and appearances in video games – have been felt at a deeper clip because they’ve essentially managed everything themselves.” (Mouchido EP 2016) – Decibel Magazine
“In a word, the music rips. And it also thunders, and punches so fast and hard that it’s like a jackhammer-sized nail gun ramming bolts into concrete at high speed while the operator howls and shrieks for all he’s worth, segmented by a start-stop breakdown that will give your skull a good rattling and lit up by swarming guitar flurries that are as fiery as the torches in the video (Burn).” (Mouchido EP 2016) – No Clean Singing
” the band live up to their name with each song on this 4 track EP going for straight for the throat; merciless aural violence and tight, technical proficiency melded with some serious might!” (Mouchido EP 2016) – Worship Metal
“Mouichido might only be a brief four songs and nineteen minutes long but, by the end of it, the Canadian death metal wrecking machine have left you in no doubt as to what they’re about.” (Mouchido EP 2016) – PureGrainAudio
“Right from the beginning you feel the weight and the immensity of Mouichido and one listen just doesn’t do it justice. This is a re-release of previously recorded material with a new vocalist and even so, Without Mercy comes out swinging again and knocks it clear out of the park.” (Mouchido EP 2016) – Cadaver Garden 
“possibly the most savage song to ascend from the depths of the west in a good long while.” – Canadian Beats

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