Blog by DJ Elric
Tuesday February 21 2017, 11:52 AM
After going to see HRH Doom v Stoner for just £10 last year they were offering that event again plus the new HRH Metal for just £20. So two 2 day festivals for just £20 you can't argue with that. So the first thing we did was visit the...
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Wednesday February 15 2017, 8:19 AM
I was really looking forward to this one as they were celebrating 30 years since the release of the classic Among The Living album by playing the whole of the album from start to finish. The show was sold out a week before the gig so had to...
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Thursday January 26 2017, 5:29 AM
INTRO TO MY BLOGS Each month on my radio show I will be letting people choose from my top 10 albums from my favourite genres and decades. So I thought it would be great opportunity to do a monthly blog detailing my personal journey with...
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Thursday February 2 2017, 12:54 PM
Introduction to Retribution Alive Retribution Alive started as a monthly Metal event at the Intrepid Fox in London run be Alan Hicks & Lindsay Griffin. The idea was to bring together a diverse range of metal bands on one bill, kind of...
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