Wednesday January 22 2025, 4:40 AM
I have an interview with Pete (twister) singer and founding member of Maxdmyz at the Cart n Horses (birth place of Iron Maiden).
Friday April 21 2023, 1:53 PM
I have an interview with Preston UK Thrash Metallers SOLITARY I also have music sent to me by South East UK Rock/Metal band KARDINAL X & NWOBHM Band SNATCH BACK.
Friday February 10 2023, 9:39 AM
I have an interview with Erith London Thrash Metallers HALBERD. I also have some music sent to me by Virginia Metal Band AGE OF FIRE, Suffolk UK Metal/Folk band HEATHEN KINGS and Bulgarian Experimental Metal Artist STOIAN KAEV. I also...
Wednesday September 7 2022, 10:11 AM
I have an interview with London's Cinematic Metalers OPENSIGHT I am finishing off the recent releases under B. Music from BLUE OYSTER CULT, BONEHUNTER, BOYCOTT THE BAPTIST, BULLET PROOF, BONGTOWER & BOSS KELOID I also have the...
Tuesday August 9 2022, 10:19 AM
I finally get to interview AIRFORCE and it was worth the wait as I got to interview the whole band with 3 original members, including ex IRON MAIDEN drummer Doug Sampson. As well as talking about Airforce we also touch a bit on Doug's time...
Thursday January 20 2022, 2:00 PM
I have a great interview with Reaper and Deathslinger from BLACK TAR SUPERSTAR coming up on this show plus more music from MONARCH & HERBICIDAL. Also Retribution headliners TABLEAU MORT Black Metal from London.
Wednesday April 14 2021, 3:25 PM
Interview with MDR's Tricia Myers host of the METALICIOUS SHOW and founder member of EMPYREAN FIRE. I will be playing some of Tricia's chosen bands for the show too
Wednesday March 3 2021, 3:42 PM
I have the second part of the JASON AARON WOOD Interview. Plus more music from PUTRID OFFAL and London Doom band OLD HORN TOOTH
Tuesday February 23 2021, 4:08 PM
I have an Interview with Solo Artist and MDR supporter JASON AARON WOOD I also have more music from LYONEN, KING OV WYRMS & FUCK THE FACTS
Tuesday February 9 2021, 6:27 PM
3rd part of the GRAVEHUFFER interview plus their new single Causes. I also have new releases from French Grinders PUTRID OFFAL, Quebec Hardcore/Grind FUCK THE FACTS, Arizona one man Blackened Death band KING OV WYRMS, One man Metal project...
Thursday February 4 2021, 2:41 PM
The big 250. I usually do a special show on my landmark numbers and by golly we have one today with the 2nd part of the Gravehuffer interview. Plus I have new releases from ROB ZOMBIE, CARCASS, ACCEPT, KILLER BE KILLED, MACHINE HEAD &...
Thursday January 28 2021, 4:19 PM
Part 1 of my YouTube interview I did with the MDR's most supportive band GRAVEHUFFER. Our history goes back a long way with these guys. We feel a part of the Gravehuffer family, and It's nice to finally get to do an interview with the band
Tuesday March 31 2020, 11:00 AM
It's my Sisters 50th and to celebrate over the next 2 weeks the songs are all hand-picked by Gema.These songs are the ones that have meant a lot to her over the years especially while growing up