fuck yeah bro
Forum Activity for @thebeast
MDR is featured again on sl
Staff Support
Congratulations MDR!Your station (Metal Devastation Radio) has been selected from our Directory to be a Featured Station inyour Metal genre'. We Take Pride in the selection of Featured Stations, and you shouldas well as it is a great accomplishment and it stands as proof of your hard work anddedication to this craft and is recognized by your industry peers.Share the fact you have been selected from well over a thousand stations on our directory at:http://streamlicensing.com/directory/?g=16Make sure you tell your friends and audience on all your Social Media Sites of thisprestigious peer selection recognition award.Again we say a hardy Congratulation to you! Keep up the good work.The Stardome Digital/StreamLicensing Team
updated by @thebeast: 05/25/18 04:39:29PM
Dante's Theory full stream graphic motion music video (Progressive Death Metal from Singapore)
Band Submissions
thats bad ass too man i dig it
Dante's Theory full stream graphic motion music video (Progressive Death Metal from Singapore)
Band Submissions
fuck yeah man this is bad ass
Check Out My Band "BDF" Free Downloads!
Band Submissions
hahhahahah i dont think i have seen that yet i dont read the comments on youtube much maybe i should

Some Big Changes
yeah you just sign in to disqus real quick using twitter or fb or something i think it also has guest login too. Its the most popular form of online commenting used in the majority of large websites. This will also take any strain of this websites server since disqus will handling it all on its own and disqus is monetized so we can generate revenue from comments and shares to help pay for the web site so we can keep growing without reaching any limits.
How to use Chat on MDR
Using MDR
This video shows where the chat button is located
This video shows how to start private chats with other users