Wasted Theory - Live Interview - The Zach Moonshine Show

Wasted Theory - Live Interview - The Zach Moonshine Show metaldevastationradio.com Friday January 25 2019, 10:00 PM

Wasted Theory will be joining us for a live Q&A with fans and listeners! Show starts at 9pm est and the interview will be at 10pm est. If you would like to ask questions during the interview, simply sign in to the chat on site! www.metaldevastationradio.com

“...Warlords Of The New Electric is Wasted Theory’s best album to date and one that will only enhance their well deserved reputation within the Stoner Rock/Metal scene as one of the best bands currently around today.”
-Outlaws of the Sun

"...They push their sound forward on the eight-track/36-minute long-player, which is inarguably their tightest and most professional-sounding collection to-date."
-The Obelisk

" This four-piece has a “get in the left lane and hammer down” mentality that is undeniable, shifting gears at the just the right times and making it truly fun to listen to. Bastard County, Heavy Bite, Weed Creature and Rawhide Hellride are particular standouts on this album. And how can you ever go wrong with an album title like Warlords of the New Electric?! If you ask me, I think they should change the band’s moniker to that ha ha!! For my money, it is one of the best stoner rock albums of the year so far and there sure as hell been a lot of them.

"...Right from the start, we’re in the midst of this riff-filled party that doesn’t end until the final note of the album were the madness comes to an immediate stop. The constant energy brought to the table with this release is only further enhanced by the power that Wasted Theory executes perfectly as they dominate throughout all eight tracks that’s just the sort of thing many of us clamor for whenever it’s done right, and holy shit does “Warlords of the New Electric” get it right!"
-Headbanger Reviews

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Metal Radio Louder Than Anything Else!

Attendees : 1
