CHESTER BENNINGTON's Ex-Wife: 'I Pray From My Soul That He Is at Peace' Monday July 31 2017, 9:39 PM
CHESTER BENNINGTON's Ex-Wife: 'I Pray From My Soul That He Is at Peace'

Samantha Bennington, former wife of late LINKIN PARK singer Chester Bennington, has released a statement reflecting on her ex-husband's death.

Samantha and Chester Bennington were married from 1996 until 2005. They had one child together, Draven Sebastien Bennington, who was born on April 19, 2002.

"Words cannot express the devastating loss that my son and I both, along with the rest of our families, are feeling over my ex-husband and son's father's recent passing," Samantha wrote in a message posted to Facebook. "Unreal, to stay the least! I pray from my soul that he is at peace and no longer suffering.

"My son and I are extremely spiritual and would like to share our beliefs with you in hopes it brings a little comfort.

"We do not believe there is a hell. We believe that we as souls make 'soul contracts,' we agree to come into this world with the knowledge of our destiny, and when it's fulfilled, we move on to a higher vibration of energy, meaning 'the next level.'

"He fulfilled his destiny while helping others every step of the way through his music, a handshake, a conversation or even a hug. No matter if you saw him on stage, had an opportunity to meet him anywhere, he truly touched everyone in a positive way. He absolutely loved singing for each and every one of you and for all of his friends and family at home all the time. I have always missed him singing throughout our home and loved it when he would visit. He would sing for us every time we ask[ed], or just spontaneously . He absolutely had a God-given talent!

"We are all created the same and connected, so, Chester, you are never 'gone.' Our souls and energy are forever connected.

"Chester, as one of my best friends of the age of 19, a husband, father to my son, business partner, and all we created together, I'm truly honored to have completed our soul contracts together, build all we did together, and thank you for giving me the greatest gift ever, our beautiful son Draven. I promise to continue to raise a great man who has integrity, humility, kindness and, most of all, compassion and love.

"I do feel your presence as a guardian angel watching over us and Im extremely filled with gratitude.

"Thank you to Draven's godparents Uncle Stefie and Moni, along with friends and family for joining us in with a raw ruby crystal that we shared a prayer, we all kissed the stone and prayed to Chester to find peace and fill his heart with love. Then our son threw it in the ocean as an offering to God/Source. We also want to thank our family and friend who traveled close and far for their support and continuous love.

"We will always love you, Chester."

The statement was signed by Samantha and Draven Bennington.

Chester married his second wife, Talinda, shortly after his divorce from Samantha.

In a 2009 interview with Bullz-Eye, Chester discussed how Talinda helped him overcome the depression that he felt after the split with his first wife.

"My divorce was one of the worst and best things to ever happen to me in my life," he said. "Everything I had worked so hard for was gone after we were through. Everything! I was wiped out and it was tough on my ego to let go of all of that. I went from living in a huge house to a tiny apartment in Santa Monica. I was so drained and bitter during that time. But I eventually learned from it and moved on," he added, "I then fell in love again and I got help facing my demons… When I met Talinda, I knew she was the one pretty instantly. She moved into my place after a week and a half or something like that."

Chester and Talinda had three children together, Tyler Lee, 11, and Lila and Lilly, both of whom are 6.

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