PALLBEARER | New Single 'Forgotten Days' Available Friday July 10 2020, 7:44 PM
PALLBEARER | New Single 'Forgotten Days' Available

Pallbearer ’s highly-anticipated fourth album,  Forgotten Days , will arrive on October 23rd via  Nuclear Blast . The band has simultaneously released the eight-song album’s title track as the first single.

“I’m extremely stoked to finally share this song with everyone,”  says singer/guitar player  Brett Campbell . Commenting on the  Ben Meredith  directed clip,  Campbell  continues:  “The video for  ‘Forgotten Days'  tells the story of an unfortunate traveler who journeys too far, and becomes lost in the depths of both inner, and outer, space. What is real when you cannot trust your own mind?“

Forgotten Days  is us exploring what is natural to us,”  says bass player/songwriter  Joseph Rowland “The songs tell me where I need to go when I write. We wanted to focus on songs that were visceral and enjoyable to play live – that our audiences would enjoy experiencing. We’re also getting back to more of the groovier and heavier elements of  Pallbearer.   Heartless  is fairly uptempo and technical. This one is a little more open, it hammers you.”

“This record has a lot of thematic ties to our first record,”   Rowland  continues.  “ When we were writing  Sorrow and Extinction , my mother was terminally ill. It’s been 10 years since she passed. It’s taken me all of this time to take a really good look at myself. While we were writing  Forgotten Days , I knew, ‘Now is the time to sit down and begin to understand who I have become.’” 

Joe  and I have always written lyrics separately,”  adds  Campbell But we always end up with lyrics that are connected by threads. I’m not sure why that is. Maybe it’s because we’ve been in close proximity for a long while. Between  Heartless  and  Forgotte n Days , we were home for an extended period of time. I think we finally had time to reflect. Memory is a big aspect of the new record. The passage of time. How things change as perspective changes. Was the past truly the way that you remember it at all?”

The  Randall Dunn  ( Sunn O))) Earth Johan Johannson ) produced album was recorded at  Sonic Ranch Studios  in West Texas.  Michael Lierly , drummer  Mark Lierly ’s brother, once again created the album’s artwork, crafting images that were roughly hewn yet heartbreaking in their expressive heft. The striking cover is the ideal foil to  Pallbearer ’s thick musical and lyrical melancholia.

Watch the video for title track single ' Forgotten Days ' below:

Forgotten Days  track list:
1.    Forgotten Days
2.    Riverbed
3.    Stasis
4.    Silver Wings
5.    The Quicksand of Existing
6.    Vengeance & Ruination
7.    Rite of Passage
8.    Caledonia

The Little Rock, Arkansas based band formed in 2008 and have since released a trio of albums:  Sorrow and Extinction   (2012) and  Foundations of Burden  (2014) to  Heartless  (2017).  Pallbeare r  has received widespread praise with  Rolling Stone  dubbing their music  “beautiful melancholia,”  the  New York Times  saying,  “Pallbearer takes the genre’s distorted guitars and dread and adds an ambitious element of optimism,”  and  Decibel , who have twice afforded the band their cover slot, declaring the band’s songs both  “majestic”  and  extraordinary”.

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Cover image by Michael Lierly

Brett Campbell | vocals/guitar 
Devin Holt | guitar
Joseph D. Rowland | bass/vocals 
Mark Lierly | drums 


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