GORGATRON: North Dakota Death Metal/Grind Unit Unveils "Usurpation" Video; Pathogenic Automation Full-Length To See Release This August Via Blood Blast Tuesday June 16 2020, 8:04 PM
GORGATRON: North Dakota Death Metal/Grind Unit Unveils "Usurpation" Video; Pathogenic Automation Full-Length To See Release This August Via Blood Blast

Pathogenic Automation is the impending new full-length from Fargo, North Dakota-based death/grind unit GORGATRON.


Set for release this August via Blood Blast Distribution and rooted in the old-school stylings of death and thrash, the nine-track Pathogenic Automation was recorded by the band, mixed and mastered by GORGATRON guitarist Neal Stein (El Supremo, Egypt), and spews forth a forty-one minute maelstrom of sonic brutality punctuated by a variety of introspective themes. In advance of its release, today the band is pleased to unveil their video for second single, "Usurpation."


Elaborates guitarist Paul Johnson, "Let's just start off by saying this song is a smorgasbord of riffs. The verse and chorus riffs contrast each other in this song. To me, the verse seems to have a bit of an East Coast death metal flavor to it while the chorus seems more frantic and odd, with the timing and note selection. It's also fun doing the sick backup vocals on that part. Sometimes, when you come to the bridge of a song, it's difficult to decide where to go with it. Sometimes you think, 'Hey, fuck it. Let's do something way different and throw a time change in there.' I have no idea how or why we decided to change to a 6/8 feel out of nowhere, but we did it. We hit some gut-busting grooves here and then we hit the solo section. I had a spaced-out tapping lick for it and had no idea where to go from there. Cue up Neal with some majestic harmonized licks and some serious whammy bar abuse and BAM you got a solo trade off. We button this song up with a riff that always feels like the heaviest riff in our setlist. I definitely drew some influence from a little old Texas band that ruled the world in the '90s."


Adds bassist Cameron Dewald, "This music video was shot and edited by our good friend Jordan Miller (HighTop Production/Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre) during our 2019 performance at Chicago Domination Fest. It's a mashup of our live performance and the declining state of the western world. It's in black and white so it's officially the most serious video we've made to date. Hope you all enjoy, and after you watch the 'Usurpation' video fifty times put the phone down and go do something!"


View GORGATRON's "Usurpation" video at  THIS LOCATION .


Find the band's previously released video for first single, "Impostor Syndrome,"  HERE .
Pathogenic Automation, which includes cover art by Aghy R Purakusuma (Pure Wrath, Stillbirth, Numen), will see CD release independently on August 28th with worldwide digital distribution by Blood Blast, a new service powered by Nuclear Blast and Believe Music. Find preorders at the GORGATRON website at  THIS LOCATION  and Indiemerch  HERE . Fans of Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Necrophagist, Hate Eternal, Sepultura, Megadeth, Origin, Municipal Waste, Skinless, Goatwhore, Razor, Nile, and the like, pay heed.
Forged in 2006 and named in honor of a giant Mooninite that appeared in Aqua Teen Hunger Force, GORGATRON has released two full-lengths - 2010's debut Torturtorium and 2015's Inner Supremacy. Lauded by underground media in the proverbial know, Teeth Of The Divine championed the band's, "awesome, crushingly groovy death," Toilet Ov Hell crowned them, "hella-fucking-balls-to-the- wall-awesome," adding, "GORGATRON delivers headbanging riffs enough to give even the most static of concert goers a stiff neck," while Zombie Ritual 'Zine hailed, "an excellent piece of brutal and destructive death metal." GORGATRON has embarked on multiple DIY tours and appeared on various metalfests nationwide sharing stages with the likes of such acts as Anthrax, Testament, The Black Dahlia Murder, Goatwhore, Skeletonwitch, Anal Cunt, Defeated Sanity, Anal Blast, Origin, Pathology, Machine Head, Vital Remains, Havok, Weedeater, Devourment, and many others.
Paul Johnson - guitar
Neal Stein - guitar
Cam Dewald - bass
Matt Johnson - drums
Karl Schmidt - vocals

http://www.gorgatronband.com http://www.facebook.com/gorgatronband http://www.instagram.com/gorgatron http://www.twitter.com/gorgatronnodak http://gorgatron.bandcamp.com http://www.bloodblast.com http://www.facebook.com/BloodBlastDistribution http://www.instagram.com/bloodblastdistribution

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