Hate announces new drummer, Daniel "Nar-Sil" Rutkowski! Friday June 12 2020, 4:57 AM
Hate announces new drummer, Daniel "Nar-Sil" Rutkowski!

Photo by @knapikpictures

After 6 years, 3 albums, and countless shows on almost every continent, Hate's drummer Paweł "Pavulon" Jaroszewicz has decided to leave the band to focus on new projects. Pavulon states: "The last 2 years were pretty difficult for me because of a relentless work schedule in all the bands and projects I worked with, resulting in constant exhaustion and eventually health problems, mainly with my wrists from all the abuse and imperfect technique. Late last year, I started rebuilding my playing from scratch and also paying more attention to my health and work ethics. I chose to take a break from my usual work routine and use the time to get back on track in the future with a brand new approach. With this in mind, I decided it would interfere with Hate's activity, and the last thing I want are my personal issues to affect others' hard work. Therefore, I decided to let go and allow my good friend Daniel to step in and carry on the legacy. He's an amazing young drummer, and I'm sure you'll be amazed by what he will bring to the band's sound and performance. I would like to thank Hate for all the years we shared for better and worse. It was definitely an important part of my life, and I will always be thankful for this journey."

Fans can continue to follow Pavulon at:

Hate adds: "We would like to wish Pavulon all the best in his projects to come and thank him for his contributions to the band.
With that said, we welcome the talented Daniel 'Nar-Sil' Rutkowski to the band. Nar-Sil has already sat behind the drums for Hate during the 'Europe Under Black Death Metal Tour Vol II' and worked with many big names in the Polish Metal scene such as Virgin Snatch, Neolith, Embrional, and Dira Mortis."

Nar-Sil comments: "I'm super excited about joining Hate and the new material we are hard at work on! Things have been moving quickly, but the flow is excellent, and in time, I'm sure the fruit of our labour will be powerful and monstrous Extreme Metal. I'm looking forward to showcasing what we've been working on, and of course, seeing you all on the road!"

Hate plan to return to the stage soon! In the meantime, fans can watch a new drum play-through by Daniel "Nar-Sil" Rutkowski, made in cooperation with Drummers From Hell:

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