DOCTOR BUTCHER "Doctor Butcher", GRAVE DIGGER "Symphony of Death" available for the first time on Lp. Friday June 12 2020, 4:38 AM
DOCTOR BUTCHER "Doctor Butcher", GRAVE DIGGER "Symphony of Death" available for the first time on Lp.

After 12 years producing italian bands exclusively, in 2020 Jolly Roger Records started a new project called "BlackBeard", open to foreign bands and dedicated on his "great passions": Classic Heavy Metal and Vinyls. After the first 2 releases, Swedish Memory Garden "Forever" and "Tides" (both out in April) it's time to reveal the new ones: Doctor Butcher "Doctor Butcher" (feat. Savatage Jon Oliva on vocals and Chris Caffery on guitar, 1994) and Grave Digger "Symphony of Death" (1994) will be available on vinyl for the first time! First 100 copies of each title will be on coloured vinyl. Kindly licensed by Sony Music Entertainment Italy.
Next releases will be Depressive Age: first 3 albums "First Depression", "Lying in Wait", "Symbols for the Blue Times" will be released on vinyls , "First Depression" also on Cd, further details will follow shortly. Kindly licensed by Sony Music Entertainment Italy.

Doctor Butcher "Doctor Butcher" pre-orders open here.
Grave Digger "Symphony of Death" pre-orders open here.
JRR release-date: 20th June 2020

Many great HM albums will be released, so if you see the "BlackBeard" Logo on back-covers you can be sure, great true HM inside...on Vinyl! 

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