Hear 'n Now COVID-19 Artist Initiative Team Up With Heaven and Hell Records Friday May 1 2020, 11:49 AM
Hear 'n Now COVID-19 Artist Initiative Team Up With Heaven and Hell Records

Hear ‘n Now COVID-19 Artist Initiative Team Up With Heaven and Hell Records

Following last week's official announcement of the international, multi-artist collaboration, Hear 'n Now, benefiting those affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic, project organizer Keep it Metal Promotions announced they have partnered with Heaven and Hell Records (US) to officially release the initiative's new single, "No Road to Ruin."

new hhlogo.png "We are very excited to be working directly with Heaven and Hell Records," says Keep it Metal Promotions president Billy Loney. "Having them on board and part of this project demonstrates to me that music is alive and well...this is what music is all about; what it can do for others...especially in times of crisis."

Heaven and Hell Records will make the Hear 'n Now single, “No Road to Ruin,” available as a free digital download through their distribution networks. Listeners will also be able to contribute to a donation collection that will benefit The Center for Disaster Philanthropy's (CDP) Global Recovery Fund for COVID-19 relief efforts.

"I've wanted to do something just like this," said Heaven and Hell Records' CEO, Jeremy Golden. "It’s about giving back and doing our part."

HearnNow logo 2020 copy.jpg The list of artists, who are donating their time and talent, to join the Hear ‘n Now cause include:
Steve Grimmett (vocals) of Steve Grimmett's Grim Reaper
Danny Gomez (vocals) of Gothic Slam
Chris Natalini (vocals) of Blood Feast
Frankie Cross (vocals)
Patrick Kennison (lead guitar) of Lita Ford/Heaven Below
Ed Mischke (lead guitar) of Veronica Freeman
Alex Olivetti (lead guitar) of Threatpoint
Corners of Sanctuary (guitars, bass, drums, keys)
Producer Bill Metoyer (post production)(Slayer, Armored Saint)

“It’s a killer song for an excellent cause,” said Lita Ford guitarist Patrick Kennison in a recent interview with The Cosmick View. ”It features many great players and I’m proud to be part of it.”

"So honored to be working with such an array of talented musicians," said "No Road to Ruin" songwriter and Corners of Sanctuary guitarist, Mick Michaels. "It's an amazing feeling to be part of a project like this...it really is a testament to the power and magic of music."

                               Keep it Metal logo 2019.png

Hear 'n Now's "No Road to Ruin" single is slated to release mid May and will available exclusively through Heaven and Hell Records.

Check out Hear 'n Now at:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ HearnNowAnArtistsInitiative

Check out Heaven and Hell Records at:
Official: www.heavenandhellrecords.com

Check out Keep it Metal Promotions at:
Official: www.keepitmetalpromotions.com

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