ASCENDENCY set release date for IRON BONEHEAD debut mini-album, reveal first track Friday May 1 2020, 10:45 AM
ASCENDENCY set release date for IRON BONEHEAD debut mini-album, reveal first track

Today, Iron Bonehead Productions sets July 17th as the international release date for the striking debut mini-album of Denmark's Ascendency, Birth of an Eternal Empire, on CD and 12" vinyl formats.

Initially, Ascendency started out as solo project, formed by the strong desire to ignite the black flame of death. Here in the cover of darkness, concepts and ideas were slowly formed and refined over a number of years, until the enlistment of a competent drummer took place, elevating the band to newer heights and gaining them prowess musically. The band then recorded and made two promotional tapes, before the lineup was completed by the recruitment of a second guitarist, increasing the strength and power of the band once more.  
Birth of an Eternal Empire was recorded in May 2019 and has since gone through an extensive process, in the pursuit of a fitting and impactful sound which could showcase the raw energy of Ascendency and leave its burning mark upon a sullied world. Consisting of four tracks, the 26-minute record chronicles the rise to power of an despotic tyrant and will be the first of a trilogy of short releases, with a continuous conceptual narrative, about the thirst for power and hegemony and the ultimate betrayal of ego and arrogance.
Musically, Ascendency's attack comprises piercing guitars and thunderous bass, with monumental and melodic riffs tearing through an eternal battlefield, accompanied by visceral and commanding vocals that spew forth tales of fiery conquest and herald a new dark era. All this is meticulously completed by a relentless bombardment of drums, which underline the songs with pure rhythmic punishment and primitive force. Indeed, this is a Birth of an Eternal Empire!

Hear the first sounds of that birth with the brand-new track "A Birth in Fire" HERE at Iron Bonehead's Soundcloud. Cover and tracklisting are as follows:


Tracklisting for Ascendency's Birth of an Eternal Empire

1. Altered Beast
2. Culling the Weak
3. Tread the Path to Supreme Veneration
4. A Birth in Fire


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