Fernanda Lira Leaves Nervosa! Sunday April 26 2020, 10:25 PM
Fernanda Lira Leaves Nervosa!

She took to Facebook to make this post, read below!

Everything has a beginning and an end, life is made of beginnings and endings, it is the natural cycle of things. Some of these endings are very challenging and this is certainly the most difficult of my life - the most difficult decision of my life.
I thought I would be forever in this band that is my passion, but I decided that today my journey as a member of NERVOSA is over.
Everything is fine and I will always look at my tattoo eternalized on my fist (with our logo) and into the past with great pride in what I built and was part of, and above all, very happy to have touched each of your hearts with my art.
I will always carry with me that wonderful initial exciting vibe in the band, the desire to take over the world, the feeling of writing the first lyrics, of launching the band's first clip and recordings, of doing our first shows, of the happiness of going up on the stage for the first time outside the country, outside our continent, to get to know each of the almost 60 countries that I had the privilege of visiting over that period. Even from the hard times we went through and overcame, I will always remember and cherish each one, as they made us grow and learn so much. Anyway, I couldn't feel more fulfilled for being in the front line and contributing for almost a decade to make an embryo become one of the most solid and well-known bands from Brazil, it was such a hard and intense work, but it was worth every minute.
So, thank you Nervosa and thanks TO EACH ONE OF YOU for the support during all this time, without you, none of this would have been possible. Thank you for helping to make each of the biggest dreams of the 14 year old metalhead fefemetal that always dreamed of having a metal band come true.
Anyway, I end this cycle aware that I did the best I could do, with a lot of passion, dedication and honesty.
Making it very clear that the decision is personal and has nothing to do with being tired of touring, record label, or whatever! My passion for the fans, for the music and for the road still lives intact within me and I will continue in metal with my new project (which also has nothing to do with this decision).
As this choice of mine hurts and it will still hurt a lot for a while, I'm going to step aside from the internet and retreat for a few days. In the meantime, I just ask you to be kind in this very sensitive moment for me. Much love to you all and again, THANK YOU

The Nervosa posted this on their official Facebook page:

NERVOSA will never die!
Despite all the rumours NERVOSA will continue!
Fernanda and Luana are no longer part of Nervosa, they decided to leave the band.
There are many reasons and each one of us has their own but since 2 years Nervosa has not been the same and we were all trying to keep the band alive, each of us doing their best, without exceptions.
We want to give the best to our fans and that is simply not possible anymore!
NERVOSA would like to thank everybody that were a part of the band for the dedication and wishes the best of luck!
Please stay tuned, the new members and many other news will be announced soon!
Thanks for all the support!
Nervosa nunca iré morrer!
A Nervosa vai continuar sim!
Fernanda e Luana não fazem mais parte da Nervosa, elas decidiram sair da banda.
Os motivos são muitos, e cada uma de nós temos nossos motivos, porém de 2 anos pra cá a Nervosa não tem sido a mesma e todas nós estávamos tentando manter a banda, cada uma fazendo o seu máximo, sem exceções.
Queremos dar o melhor aos nossos fãs, e juntas não podemos mais dar o melhor ao nossos fãs.
A Nervosa agradece toda a dedicação e deseja sorte a todas que fizeram parte dessa banda.
Fiquem ligados que logo mais será anunciado as novas integrantes e muitas outras novidades.
Obrigada a todos por todo o apoio.

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