GRIDFAILURE's Scathed Out Now; Album Available For Free Download Monday June 5 2017, 8:03 PM
GRIDFAILURE's Scathed Out Now; Album Available For Free Download

"...the auditory miasma is like the sound of a man-made satellite continuing its orbit around a postapocalyptic earth, transmitting disembodied missives into the ether on ghost-inhabited frequencies." - Factory Worker Media

GRIDFAILURE's new Scathed albumis out now, available for free download as well as CD through Minneapolis-based Darker Days Ahead.

Scathed permeates its surrounding atmosphere with overtones of inescapable hostility and an inexorable sense of dread, the record delivering fifty-three minutes of tortured layers of immersive antagonism fully performed, recorded, and visually designed solely by GRIDFAILURE architect David Brenner. Surging with off-kilter percussion, unhinged keyboard and synth attacks, carcinogenic bass/guitar tones, and vocals that bellow from beneath heaps of smoldering corpses, while elements of theremin, didgeridoo, xylophone, harmonica, field recordings, and more also add to the unpredictable powerdementia of Scathed. The album is issued on a pro black CDR with a 4-panel booklet in a spray-painted sleeve.

Since its early 2016 conception, GRIDFAILURE has now released three albums, a collaborative album with Megalophobe, a split with Never Presence Forever, an EP, a compilation track, and other singles.

The remainder of 2017 and early 2018 will yield several other new albums and much more from the outfit, as GRIDFAILURE prepares to begin enduring live tests this Summer.

"Referring to Valley Cottage, New York experimental noise outfit GRIDFAILURE as 'prolific' is somewhat of an understatement," Aversionline's interrogation with GRIDFAILURE included, continuing, "So far this year alone, the project has issued a split cassette with Never Presence Forever, the Hostile Alchemy full-length, an appearance on the impressive Death Season Six compilation, and Dendritic-a collaborative album with Megalophobe. In just over four months, that's as much as comparable artists might release in two to three years!" Factory Worker Media published, "this is not your weirdo dad's dark ambient music, but something darker and vaguely prescient in its rendering of manufactured electronic and amplified sounds as a dense field of spirits trapped between the material world and whatever realms may exist beyond our limited senses in the aftermath of Anthropocene extinction." Wonderbox Metal reports, "these hymns to devastation also manage to willfully impose their twisted and disturbing visions of humanity's impending demise on reality's fragile veneer with reckless force, compelling the listener to pay strict attention. As this occurs, their perception is reshaped along harrowing and upsetting lines, so that they emerge at the end of the album changed and mentally undone."

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