The Decibel Magazine Tour Issue Featuring MAYHEM, ABBATH, GATECREEPER and IDLE HANDS Has Arrived! Saturday January 25 2020, 3:19 PM
The Decibel Magazine Tour Issue Featuring MAYHEM, ABBATH, GATECREEPER and IDLE HANDS Has Arrived!

The Decibel Magazine Tour celebrates its ninth annual run with an ambitious lineup of legendary Norwegian black metal progenitors Mayhem, black ‘n’ roll heroes Abbath, Arizona desert death dealers Gatecreeper and goth-infused metal upstarts Idle Hands. The North American assault begins in March, but the annual Decibel Magazine Tour issue of your favorite metal rag is already here, featuring exclusive interviews with each of the tour’s acts, including Abbath’s first since checking into rehab last year. Each issue is combined with a flexi disc featuring an exclusive track from Detroit death/doom city crushers Temple of Void, so you’ll certainly be cursed in eternity if you miss this one. Pick up your copy and then score tickets to the tour here !

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