Meet & Greet contests are now open for the fourth leg of the WorldWired North American tour, so if you’re planning to join us, visit or click below to enter now! The contests close on Friday, January 11 at 9 AM Pacific Time and winners will be chosen by the end of that day.
January 18
Tulsa, OK
January 20
Little Rock, AR
January 22
Birmingham, AL
January 24
Nashville, TN
January 28
Raleigh, NC
January 30
Cincinnati, OH
February 1
Cleveland, OH
The Fine Print: You may enter to win a Meet & Greet pass for as many shows as you like but you are only allowed one entry per person. Multiple entries per contest will result in removal of all entries, loss of your website privileges and your membership will be terminated. You can only win once every 365 days. Choose wisely - if you win a pass for this show and do not attend, you may not win a pass again. Only one pass will be given out per Fifth Member - sorry, no guests. You must have your own ticket to the show.
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