The Riven release video for "Shadow Man" Sunday December 16 2018, 9:31 AM
The Riven release video for "Shadow Man"

Swedish stoner/Hard rock band THE RIVEN have revealed their new video "Shadow Man" over at the Sludgelord. The song is taken from their upcoming self-titled album which will be released in spring 2019 via The Sign Records.

Singer Charlotta Ekebergh comented "There he goes into the unknown… The lyrics came to mind as I traveled on a train in Sardinia one warm and hazy afternoon. Representing your inner voice and angst, but also refers to your shadow that follows you wherever you go as long as you let the light shine on you. There was this one time when bass player Max decided to record a phrase on his phone. When I heard this ”oh shadow man” I knew this was the melody and name for the song I’d started writing some time before. The video for "Shadow Man" shows The Riven playing the song live. Roberto, who we worked with, captured us and the energy of a live performance. In Shadow man we wanted to introduce the band to everyone who hasn’t yet put a face on The Riven. Have a look, grab a beer and remember that Shadow man stands and falls with you.”

Watch the video here:

Listen to other tracks by the Riven on Bandcamp:

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