Ukrainian atmospheric doom death metal band demonstrates the rapid artistic development of the man behind the name Sorrowful Land Thursday October 25 2018, 1:39 PM
Ukrainian atmospheric doom death metal band demonstrates the rapid artistic development of the man behind the name Sorrowful Land

The second full-length album of the Ukrainian atmospheric doom death metal band demonstrates the rapid artistic development of the man behind the name Sorrowful Land, Max Molodtsov. Each composition has its own unique sound and mood enhanced by appearance of guest vocalists, such as Kaivan Saraei (A Dream Of Poe), Daniel Neagoe (Clouds, Eye Of Solitude, Shape Of Despair), Evander Sinque (Who Dies In Siberian Slush , Decay Of Reality, Forbidden Shape), Vladislav Shahin (Mournful Gust, Autumnia), Daniel Arvidsson (Draconian, Mammoth Storm). Guest guitar solo in one of the tracks is performed by Vito Marchese (Novembers Doom, The Kahless Clone). This album will become a great gift for all doom death metal fans!


1 And Wilt Thou Weep When I Am Low?

2 When The World's Gone Cold

3 A Father I Never Had

4 Weep On, Weep On

5 I Am The Only Being Whose Doom

6 The Kingdom Of Nothingness

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