Interview with Evgenii Mazunov - composer, multi-instrumentalist, founder of Next Door To Heaven band and performer Wednesday December 6 2023, 1:28 PM
Interview with Evgenii Mazunov - composer, multi-instrumentalist, founder of Next Door To Heaven band and performer

Interview with Evgenii Mazunov - composer, multi-instrumentalist, founder of Next Door To Heaven band and performer


  • What first got you into music?

I knew I wanted to become a musician when I first heard Queen. At the age of 5 I went to the boys’ choir and then to the music school. That was the great experience.I’ve learned a lot there and had my first tours in Europe back then.

  • Who inspired you to make music?

Actually a lot of great musicians like David Coverdale, Freddy Mercury, Scott Stapp and many more.

  • How would you describe the music that you typically create?

I will tell you a quiet obvious thing:) My music is not a regular type of metal/metalcore. It’s much more. It’s a combination of different genres - even blues, rap, pop, classical music, trap and so on. I don’t limit myself while I compose my songs.

  • What is your creative process like?

As most composers I need to be alone in order to create, I need some silence and inspiration that can be anywhere though sometimes the melody just appears out of the blue and I need to write it down immediately.So if I have something on my mind I go grab my guitar or sometimes a keyboard and start to record. Usually I know how the future song should sound in genera from the start. I finalize my arrangement right away. 

  • Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Oh, I have few people on my mind:). It’s Steven Christian (Anberlin), Ville Valo (Ex-HIM), Howard Jones (Light the Torch), Lajon Witherspoon (Sevendust), Adam Dutkiewicz (Killswitch Engage) and a few others.


  • If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

Devin Townsend project, Sevendust, Architects, Killswitch Engage and few more.

  • What is one message you would give to your fans?

Stay strong, stay healthy and listen to good music but most importantly don’t treat others badly if you don’t know what they’re coming through.

  • What is the most useless talent you have?

To jump on the floor using  my let’s say close to the hip muscles :)

  • Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

Everything what’s on my mind at the moment. Can be anything from a lullaby to Cannibal Corpse.

  • What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?

To be honest I can’t even  imagine my life without music. I tried to do something else in life in the past but it didn’t work out. I guess I was born to be a composer and musician.

  • Where have you performed? What are your favourite and least favourite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?
  • A lot of places in Russia, Europe and USA but I couple of favorite ones. Stadium Club in Moscow and Whisky a Go Go in Los Angeles.


  • How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

The previous music business model doesn’t work since the online platforms for streaming and downloading music appeared. Some of those platforms treat musicians poorly, some are much better. For example Apple Music or Youtube. 

What is your favourite song to perform?

I’d say Dance With Me! It’s really fun to perform this song! The melody changes a lot with the rhythm, you always have to keep up with the tiny little things transforming from one into another.

  • Which famous musicians do you admire?

Most of all I admire Ludwig Van Beethoven and Johann Sebastian Bach.

  • What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?
  • I don’t like to talk about troubles cause we all have them sometimes, it’s life. Let’s think positive.


  • What is the best advice you’ve been given?
  • Never eat the yellow snow :) To be serious, love what you do and do what you love.
  • If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

I would have gotten back to the times when people actually had to buy CDs to listen to their favourite music. Right now it seems to easy to just go online and find anything. When you have to go and get a physical product you cherish the music more.

  • What’s next for you?

More gigs, more music, more tours, more everything! I’m creating a lot of new tracks in the studio right now.

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