Police: Attila Vocalist Could Face Battery Charge After Assaulting Security Guard Friday August 24 2018, 5:33 PM
Police: Attila Vocalist Could Face Battery Charge After Assaulting Security Guard

Attila vocalist Chris "Fronz" Fronzak "could be facing a battery charge" after punching a security guard at the band's show Wednesday night (Aug. 22), according to a report from KSNV NBC Las Vegas .

Following the show, Fronz tweeted saying that security guards were being overly aggressive with fans. "So sorry we had to cancel the show," he wrote. "You guys were the best crowd. Your security [were] total pieces of shit hurting our fans and disrespecting them. I don’t stand for that shit... I will FIGHT for our fucking fans." Early Thursday morning (Aug. 23), he tweeted that the police were "after" him.

KSNV spoke to an anonymous fan who was at the show. "The show was called Rage Fest, so it's going to be rowdy no matter what,” he said. "You see the band going after the security after they had been kind of rough with the fans throughout the night. I would see them grabbing the fans. Almost like putting them in chokeholds while walking them away."

They also spoke to both the venue, Hard Rock Cafe, and the company who was hired for security purposes, Contemporary Services Corporation. Jay Purvis, Nevada's Vice President of the company, said that the guards were "all professional in performing their duties."

Hard Rock released a statement, which read:

The safety and security of our fans, staff and performers is our top priority. We are disappointed in the escalation of events at the Attila show last night. While we believe security acted in an appropriate way to protect the best interests of guests, we are reviewing the incident to ensure proper protocol was followed.

When asked by KSNV via Twitter if he would be willing to speak to them regarding the incident, Fronzak responded, "Snitches get stitches." Via Loudwire

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