WYNDRIDER: Has added August and September dates in addition to appearances in multiple festivals! Friday July 7 2023, 1:52 PM
WYNDRIDER: Has added August and September dates in addition to appearances in multiple festivals!

The Tennessee band is one of the hardest working new bands in the stoner doom community. 

At the beginning of May, the band announced Richard Bucher was stepping down and introduced their new drummer, Josh Brock, as well as many appearances they would make with this new lineup. Now, they are announcing August and September dates and will make several more appearances this year in Charlotte, Savannah, Tampa, Jacksonville, Columbus, Lexington, Jacksonville, and more.

Upcoming Dates:

July 15-London, KY-Holler of Doom III Festival at Mountain View Farm

July 21-Knoxville, TN-The Pilot Light 

with Realm, Dead Vibes Ensemble and NinjaWitch

July 29-Youngstown, OH-Ohio Doomed & Stoned Fest at Westside Bowl

July 30-Cincinnati, OH-The Comet 

with Grey Host, Before the Eyewall, and Opium Doom Cult

August 12- Whitesburg, KY at Summit City on Main 

with ENT, Portrait of Betrayal, LIPS, Hank 69, and Ponddigger

August 17- Johnson City, TN at The Hideaway 

with Crop and ENT

August 24- Columbus, OH at Spacebar 

with Wolftooth, Weed Demon, and Wurm Sun

August 25- Lexington, KY at The Green Lantern 

with Blind Scryer and Suncage

August 26- Lynchburg, VA at Riverview Vinyl 

with Smoke and Black Wind

September 15- Knoxville, TN at BrickYard Bar & Grill 

with The Slow Attack, Stoneman, Neanderthal, and Lucky Perm

September 21- Charlotte, NC at Snug Harbor 

with King Cackle and StormWatchers

September 22- Savannah, GA at El Rocko Lounge 

with Damned to Earth and Doof

September 23- Tampa, FL at The Born Free Pub 

with Worldeater, Snake Healer, Tension Electric, and Othalan 

September 24- Jacksonville, FL at Rain Dogs 

with Stoned Morose and TBA

September 30- Asheville, NC at Fleetwood’s 

with Mean Green and TBA


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