Ted Nugent Denies Banning Fans From Carrying Guns Into Roanoke Concert? Wednesday July 18 2018, 8:13 PM
Ted Nugent Denies Banning Fans From Carrying Guns Into Roanoke Concert?

According to WSLS 10 News , Ted Nugent refused to let fans bring guns into his July 17 performance in Roanoke, Va. Though Nugent is an outspoken supporter of the second amendment and actually encourages concealed carry at his shows, the Detroit rocker allegedly had a change of heart five minutes before doors opened.

Ted Nugent’s performance contracts actually request that fans be able to carry guns at his shows, and since Roanoke’s Berglund Performing Arts Theater is city-owned, the venue is not legally allowed to deny gun possession inside. According to WSLS, only performers can request that guns be banned from their shows, which is reportedly what Nugent asked for in a sub-contract with his promoter.

However, at the Berglund Center's guest guidelines page , the venue writes that it does not allow concealed weapons: "Anyone with a concealed weapon will be asked to return it to their vehicle."

"It happened about five minutes before we opened doors, we had a security meeting before we opened doors and the subject came up and we said, 'Yes people will be bringing firearms,'" Berglund Center General Manager Robyn Schon said. “Nugent's people said, ‘Uh, no, our agreement says no.'"

Two fans had their guns turned away from the show and Roanoke police added to their presence in case a situation escalated following the sudden change in concert policy.

"I don't have a problem with that at all," Nugent fan Tom Miller said to reporters. “I think you can look around and see this is an orderly crowd and I didn't anticipate anything else.”

Fellow fan Donna Belcher added, ”I think it's probably pretty safe because some people get in there and get pretty crazy, and I came to see the show. I don't want to get shot.” Via Loudwire

Ted Nugent denied the report that he barred firearms from his show in a Facebook post:

Dear God in heaven & damn the fakenews lying bastards! I gave the direct order tonight that guns were absolutely welcome to my concert. The media cannot be trusted. They are consumed with hate and dishonesty. We had a phenomenal concert tonight as I offered prayers for the soulless crazed hateful protesters. America be aware that the media is infested with America haters and liars. Meanwhile thank you Roanoke for a wonderful #6703 ultimate rockout! God bless you all. To hell with the lying punks.

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