New Promo: DRUDENSANG - TUIFLSRIJTT - (Black Metal) - (Folter Records) Wednesday January 11 2023, 2:05 PM
New Promo: DRUDENSANG - TUIFLSRIJTT - (Black Metal) - (Folter Records)

Release Date: 30th April 2022

FFO: Lunar Aurora, Abigor, Katharsis, Nagelfar

Location: Bavarian Forest / Lower Bavaria

In 2013 Drudensang crawled out from the depths of Bavarian Forest, the border triangle of Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. It emerged from the band Ravnsvart, which was founded in 2009 by Krámpn. In 2013, the first demo "Rehearsal 1 – Dunkle Tradition" was released. Further releases (demos, live albums, EPs and splits) followed at regular intervals. DRUDENSANG represents the devil worship in combination with the ancient devilish myths and traditions of bavaria and austria. The focus is on the Krampus- and Perchtencult, witchcraft and the evil spirits of the twelve nights between the years (Rauhnächte).

The first demos were still characterised by a very raw style, which over the years was refined further and further into the sound that is currently typical for Drudensang: atmospheric Black Metal with an old school touch as the perfect soundtrack to the wild doings and wild hunts of Krampen and Perchten during the Rauhnächten. The name Drudensang is made up of the words “Drude”, a witch creature from the Bavarian Forest, a kind of night alb, and “Sang”, an old german word for curse, today used as “chant” and “death wail“.

Drudensang has been performing regularly since 2015. These performances are celebrated with ritualistic intensity. Together with Bands such as Eminenz, Crimson Moon, Taake, Urn, Amystery, Strid, Ancient, Krater, etc. each time delivering an intense orgy of blackest repulsion with blood, cadavers, spikes, fire, mould and death.

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Current Line-up:

Krámpn – Vocals, Bass, Lyrics

Henker – Keyboards

Dragg – Bass, backing Vocals

Percht – Guitars

Nefastus – Drums

Official Homepage:

Infos about the album Tuiflsrijtt:

The album "Tuiflsrijtt" was unleashed on Walpurgis Night 2022 via Folter Records.

"Tuiflsrijtt" is Bavarian/Austrian for “devil's ride” and associates the wild hunts of Drudensang, Krampus and the history behind the Krampus figure (myth, legend and tradition).
The album functions as a bridge across the borders of this world to the devil's realm and the Rauhnächte, conjuring not only the dark Krampus figure who tortures the flesh with his rods and chains and carries off the doomed souls, but also the essence of the Drude, who torments her victims, Perchten, who take the souls away to the realm of the dead and the raging demons of the Wild Hunt.

Musically, "Tuiflsrijtt" is a consistent further development of the existing concept. Atmospheric Black Metal with an old school touch, which, however, has clearly increased in speed and aggressiveness compared to previous releases.

Krámpn's nagging, snarling vocals, the icy-sawing guitars, purposefully used dark keyboard passages, the heavily distorted but powerful bass and the massive drums conjure up the dark magic of the stormy Krampus time and the bitterly cold Rauhnächte, pulling the listener across the borders down into hell.

The lyrics written in dialect (Lower Bavarian/Austrian) authentically round off the picture.

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