Ysilik - Eunoia - Reviewed By Metal Digest! Monday December 5 2022, 4:38 PM
Ysilik - Eunoia - Reviewed By Metal Digest!

Ysilik - Eunoia - Reviewed By Metal Digest ! Check it out here at this link: https://metal-digest.com/2022/08/28/ysilik-eunioa/

Progressive Technical Death Metal… too many words? Perhaps; when the easiest way to describe Eunoia is probably ‘Heavy Mania’. It’s certainly not an album you play at a christening party, let’s put it that way. 

Essentially, the album is 46 minutes of manic, dark, brutal Death metal, filled with flashy guitar, unrelenting drumming, and a sense that there’s some anger to be let out from the minds of these 4 Minnesotan ‘music geeks’. It affords no pretence; you know exactly what you’re getting right from the first 10 seconds of the opening track ‘A Stranger to Myself’ which crashes onto the scene with a ferocity that could make the Kool-Aid man jealous, and  doesn’t really slow down from there onwards. The spaces between tracks feel like moments of rest between the onslaught of each song.

It’s not that this album is any heavier than the likes of Carcass, or Meshuggah, or any of the hard-hitters you can inevitably name; it’s simply the speed, consistent violence, and unrelenting anger that the album brings that elevate it to the level of true brutality it rests in. 

It’s a difficult, abrasive, and downright uncomfortable listening experience, and that’s exactly what it wants to be; it’s definitely worth a listen or two, maybe you’ll love it.
"Ridiculous and full-on with immense musicianship" - Metal Digest

Release Date: 03/26/2021

FFO: Between the Buried and Me, Car Bomb, Carcass

Location: Minneapolis, MN

Ysilik are a 4-piece progressive technical death metal band from Minneapolis, MN. The band formed in 2018 from a collection of forward-thinking music geeks who all just couldn't get enough Between the Buried and Me, Top Gun Soundtrack, and Carcass. Their unique brand of entertainment fuses profound lyrics, video game inspired riffage, and cutting-edge drum & bass parts that will bring you on a journey to the edges of musical insanity. 

Ysilik have self-released and sold out all physical copies of their debut album 'Eunoia'. In the past year the album has topped over 7050 plays and counting via digital distribution services.

"Eunoia (or Greek εύνοια) is a term from rhetoric that can be described with some balance. The term was soon transferred to political constellations. Thucydides, a Greek shall we say war correspondent, for example, defines it as the opposite of fear, the will of the city-states of Greece to come to a mutual agreement between power, justice and violence. In times like these, that sounds more relevant than ever. " -Richard Kölldorfer, Stormbringer.at

Currently the band is working on a new album they plan to release in 2023.

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