New Promo: Hellpie - Long Gone Into Oblivion - (Stoner Metal) Friday October 22 2021, 9:47 AM
New Promo: Hellpie - Long Gone Into Oblivion - (Stoner Metal)

Release date: October 29, 2021

FFO: Wo-Fat, Kyuss, Monster Magnet, Gravehuffer

Hellpie makes heavy music for people that eat pie. Specifically evil pies. Not like apple pie, but really tormented, sadistic pies. This groove metal concoction is infused with Edward Simpson on vocals and guitars, Bryon Ciotti on bass, and Steve 'bones' McKay on drums.

Their fourth album “Long Gone Into Oblivion”, with six tracks and a subtle nod to Mike Bossier at Oblivion studios, has some heavy riffs, some thick grooves and some deeps thoughts. It’s starts you off on your journey with current events like our struggles with social justice and civil rights and the stigma to choose a side in the track “Rubber Bullets”, a tune with an urgent flow and an air raid breakdown. Then they touch on the subject of climate change and how the temperature is rising in “Burned Alive”, and how our earth is fighting back against the human virus. As we are taking more than we need and we ask are we in fact “Long Gone “(with guest vocals by Jeremy Dyer) too far down the road to our own destruction to turn back. Which leads us to our current challenge to remain strong and fight on in this “World of Pain” with a driving main riff that changes to a swaying break that rocks back and forth like choppy waves at sea. Through it all we must in fact become as one to create a rebirth and a “New Reality”. We must plant a new seed and grow a new future. In this song there is calm, there is turbulence and then there is unity. In the end of this journey, we find that although we start at the bottom and we walk a tight rope through life we will fight on and together we will “Rise”. Enjoy the ride!

Check out these videos!

SINGLE: “LONG GONE” Asks are we too far ‘Long Gone’ down the road to our own destruction to turn back? Includes guest vocals by Jeremy Dyer (Snipers of Babel, Gaffled, The Great Ame-xican Standoff).

Check them out on Spotify and add them to your playlists!

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Also available on Apple!

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