TUOMAS ROUNAKARI Partakes in 'Earthbound 2021 - Weaving with the-more-than-human' Event! Saturday September 11 2021, 10:15 AM
TUOMAS ROUNAKARI Partakes in 'Earthbound 2021 - Weaving with the-more-than-human' Event!

TUOMAS ROUNAKARI Partakes in 'Earthbound 2021 - Weaving with the-more-than-human' Event!

Violinist, composer, ethnomusicologist TUOMAS ROUNAKARI will take part in 'Earthbound 2021 - Weaving with the-more-than-human' event, set to take place on 15th-17th September in Denmark.

Tuomas stated:
"Taking part in Earthbound 2021 next week. Some ceremonial activities ahead as well as two improvisational sonic meetings with bass player Brice Soniano! We’ve never met before but meeting on stage can be both thrilling and most rewarding😁 
All in all, Earthbound is something most urgently needed in today’s world. Weaving with the More-than-Human is about co-creating beyond anthropocentric boundaries. Acknowledging the intelligence in non-human lifeforms. 
Very much looking forward to Natasha Myers and her views about the planthroposcene - how we are intertwined with plants in a first place - how plants are breathing us into being as their exhaling is the possibility of our inhale. And how to cultivate this knowing into action. 
Earthbound brings together arts and science!"

Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/aarhus-denmark/earthbound-2021-weaving-with-the-more-than-human/831695823959552/
Get your ticket here: https://place2book.com/en/sw2/sales/aph8p1hyuj

'Earthbound 2021' gathers together performing artists, visual artists, musicians, anthropologists, philosophers, researchers of various backgrounds and other people with a holistic approach to or interest in this broad yet essential topic.

'Earthbound 2021 - Weaving with the-more-than-human' features Natasha Myers, Guðbjörg R. Jóhannesdóttir, Andreas Roepstorff, Tuomas Rounakari, Sissel M. Bergh, Julia Adzuki, Parnuna Egede, Zeenath Hasan, Thomas Rosendal Nielsen, Esben Bjerggaard Nielsen, Jes Lyning Harfeld, Karine Bonneval, Kuai Shen, Lily Hunter, Rebekah Cupitt and others to be announced. Workshops by Katrine Faber, Lucy Powell and Fröydi Lazslo, and performance excerts by Tora Balslev/Daily Fiction, and Christine Fentz/Secret Hotel.

EARTHBOUND is organized by the performance theatre Secret Hotel in collaboration with Interacting Minds Center – Aarhus University, Applied Philosophy – Aalborg University, Aarhus Performing Arts Platform, Earthwise Residency and others.


TUOMAS ROUNAKARI is a violinist, composer, ethnomusicologist (MA) and an educator from Finland. He has collaborated with artists from different arctic indigenous cultures and has studied shamanism and ritualistic music of northern Eurasia. He is also considered a key figure in revitalizing the near extinct tradition of Finnish-Carelian Lament singing. For the past 9 years Rounakari has been the fiddler of folk-metal band Korpiklaani. He is also known as a Shaman-violinist thanks to his solo performance. He is a co-founder of a finnish theatre group Ruska-Ensemble and its musical director. He has done field-work among the Khanty people in Siberia.

Furhermore, Tuomas is soon about to announce a crowdfunding for the new Tuomas Rounakari solo album, coming out in Spring 2022. 

While waiting for it have a look at the Online concert from Kaustinen Folk Music Festival 2020. Shamanviolin at Pauanne is a full-length online concert produced by the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival 2020. The concert was filmed at the magical Pauanne where a community of folk musicians and folk healers used to live in the 1980’s. All buildings are fully hand made with many mythological decorations. The place has unfortunately decayed without much needed preservation. This Shamanviolin concert ends with lament melodies in a burnt down sauna. The magic and unique beauty of this place is still strong. A perfect environment for my music.

Watch here: https://rounakari.com/watch-full-video-for-free/


To learn more about Tuomas sign up to his newsletter to get a private link for a full online concert: www.rounakari.com/watch-full-video-for-free

Watch the videos
'Farewell of Kamas People' -

'Langetus' -

More information at
TUOMAS ROUNAKARI: www.rounakari.com | www.facebook.com/shamanviolin
MANAGEMENT: https://www.facebook.com/SplitScreenManagement | http://www.splitscreen-management.com

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