Diseased Earth - Welcome The Plague Years - Reviewed By Metal Digest! Monday November 20 2023, 3:36 PM
Diseased Earth - Welcome The Plague Years - Reviewed By Metal Digest!

Diseased Earth - Welcome The Plague Years - Reviewed By Metal Digest ! Check it out https://metal-digest.com/2023/08/26/diseased-earth-welcome-the-plague-years/

New album from sludge metal four piece from Staunton, Virginia USA. Now this is sludge in the vain of Crowbar and Down, and in some cases a bit similar to ‘Reinventing the Steel’ era Pantera. Now that may not be appealing to some, but really this deserves a listen by anyone that likes the ‘NOLA’ sludge metal that appeared in the late 90’s.

However, there is a definite thread of death metal throughout the album mixed with a real bluesy sound to some of the riffs and the solos. Vocals are pretty much non-decipherable, but this does add to the flavour of the music. Opening track “Coven of Leaches” (great name) is almost an instrumental, but with added screams and growls with a great opening riff, that makes you take notice straight away. The tracks that follow are all strong and all have elements that I have mentioned before and really are very well structured.

Maybe fans of different genres will not like this as much as I have, but I found this an enjoyable release and look forward to hearing more. If there is a criticism maybe there could be more light in the songs but I’m sure this will develop. Metal Digest

Release Date:1/18/2023

 FFO: Thou, Brainoil, Weedeater

Location: Staunton, VA

Short Bio: 4 piece Death Sludge band, based out of Staunton,Virginia. They don't define themselves by the traditional doom/sludge trappings. They experiment with different influences to make for intense,engaging music.

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