Insane - Wait and Pray (reissue) - Reviewed By Metal Wave! Saturday August 14 2021, 8:00 PM
Insane - Wait and Pray (reissue) - Reviewed By Metal Wave!

Insane - Wait and Pray (reissue) - Reviewed By Metal Wave ! Check it out here at this link:

Available in reissue this "Wait And Pray" excellence by the thrashers Insane, a disc linked in its entirety to the spirit of the 80s-90s of the Bay Area whose contents inevitably evoke to itself the glories of Slayer, Testament, Exodus, Metallica (the last that I consider that is those of ... And Justice For All...). The thrash all made in Italy has its own reason, given the violent rhythmic contents with a frenetic and invariably impulsive flavor. Non-original content but a lot of energy that invariably leads back to huge works such as Season In The Abyss but still to The Legacy by Testament, in short, something really greedy for those who loved the aforementioned bands. The technique in this magnificence of Insane is not lacking at all, and the passion inherent in the band snaps note after note; this in any case the content of the disc should certainly not induce the listener in front of the feeling of being in front of a copy and paste of what can be taken for granted but rather in front of something that denotes the absence of originality given by the fact that today, in the thrash context, it can hardly be. "Total Alarm" opens the slaughter with its innate devastation almost to lead us back in time; pure thrash of the next "Sacrifice", another spearhead of the work especially for the excellent ability of the singer Dan Montironi; still "Die In Hell" another unmistakable touch of pure energy that only this band can evoke especially rhythmically; "Death By Command" is perhaps one of the best songs of the platter for the incredible rhythmic variations and the frantic speed. In any case, the attempt of this band to recall the glories of the past was not only a real surprise but also a concrete level goal, the result of a unique passion that we hope will be preserved for the next release. - Metal Wave

The cult album " Wait and Pray " from the Italian thrash metal band ' Insane' will be reissued by High Roller Records in 2021 along with the unreleased " Insolent Aggression " from the first incarnation of the band known as ' Slaves' . The remastered editions by Patrick W. Engel ( Temple of Disharmony ) will be real collector's items featuring new cover artworks by Velio Josto and will be enriched with new original material like bonus tracks from early demos and photos previously unseen. Pre-orders for both CD and vinyl versions will open soon.

Release date is October 29th and pre-orders start September 17th!

FFO: Slayer, Midnight, Bewitcher

Check out the original version below released April 5, 2005!

HRR 818 INSANE Wait and Pray SHOP.jpg

HRR 819 SLAVES Insolent Aggression SHOP.jpg

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