Rebirth - The Process Of Obliteration - Featured At Arrepio Producoes! Thursday June 3 2021, 5:10 AM
Rebirth - The Process Of Obliteration - Featured At Arrepio Producoes!

Rebirth - The Process Of Obliteration - Featured At Arrepio Producoes ! Check it out here at this link:

FFO: Hatebreed, Pro-Pain, Prong

If you are old enough to remember the old Myspace days, then you definitely remember the angst fueled, old school, but fresh sounding Heavy Metal band REBIRTH which was fronted by Marshall Beck or as we all knew him at the time as Marshall "fucking" Beck.  REBIRTH has re-entered the studio this year with an entirely new and star-studded line up.  The band will be reigning down fire and fury with songs written by Tommy Gibbons, Vocals and Lyrics by Marshall Beck, Drums by Kevin Talley, and a bassist which will be announced shortly.  A completion and release date for the new material is tentative.  Beck says: "This project has been in the works for nearly 10 years...  But, after taking time off from music to fight the Establishment within the legal system, Mainstream Media, and actual Government while executing the duties of an undocumented Asset for several high-powered secret organizations and individuals who had joined me in the fight, it's time to get back to work and to do what I enjoy most of all... Metal.  We look forward to the unity banging our heads again will bring while also making sure everyone remembers the true power of Heavy fucking Metal.  Cheers and Hails!"

Here is the last release REBIRTH has now posted on Youtube which they put out before the dissolution of their original line up all the way back in 2007.  It contains the re-known "Anthem Of The Black Hearted.", "Forged By Pain, Driven By Fury.",  and where the infamous "I'd set their world on fire just to watch it burn." line came from in "Castrating The Insecure." amongst a few of the now Internet(z) classics.   Enjoy!

listen to the playlist at this link:

Check them out on Spotify and add them to your playlists!

To hear more about Marshall Beck's other bands and releases examine the following link:

Follow Rebirth at these links:


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