Axedra - Mass Deception - Reviewed By Metal Digest! Sunday May 23 2021, 3:05 PM
Axedra - Mass Deception - Reviewed By Metal Digest!

Axedra - Mass Deception - Reviewed By Metal Digest ! Check it out here at this link:

What strange times we live in; in times gone by, you formed a band in your garage, played your favourite cover songs, wrote a few of your own and started looking for local shows to play. As you honed your craft, improved your own songs, you would look to record a demo/EP etc. When the world turned upside down with the ‘rona, many newly formed bands skipped the live performances and just went straight to recording and that is what happened with Axedra who have released their debut album ‘Mass Deception’.

                Live shows or not, what Axedra demonstrate with ‘Mass Deception’ is that ain’t messing around. The Canadian four-piece prove that with their debut release, they eat, live and breathe classic death metal. This means that ‘Mass Deception’ is full of thrashing guitar riffs, pummelling blast beats and brutal vocals that would have the listener think that they were listening to a band from Florida c. 1989. ‘Mass Deception’ is an album which is tough on the neck as tracks such as ‘Parasitic Nightmare’, ‘Though Corruption’ and ‘Buried Alive’ roar with the primal power of Deicide, Cannibal Corpse and early Decapitated. Although ‘Mass Deception’ may not lyrically be as brutal as Cannibal Corpse or as provokingly blasphemous as Deicide, the lyrics show a certain panache here for looking at society and the human condition which allows plenty of appeal to brought in from the thrash metal end of the spectrum. - 60% -  Metal Digest

                Death metal fans are sure to love ‘Mass Deception’, it is a safe debut album and it doesn’t rock the boat too much as Axedra stay within their comfort zone and stick to what they know. But this is a band that is able to grow in confidence, skill and song crafting and therefore, any death metal fan should whack this on their playlists, it won’t disappoint.

Axedra, is a Death Metal band formed in Russia in 2008 by brothers, Ilnur Garipov, and Ramil Garipov. They played a few shows in their hometown, but had to disband when both of them moved to Canada in 2010. After a long period of inactivity, they finally gathered their material and recorded their debut album 'Mass Deception' released on April 30, 2021. Currently, they have a complete band with 4 members, and are planning to play live shows once they are allowed. 

FFO: Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, and early Decapitated. 

Follow the band at these links:

and (for Russian audience):


Axedra logo.png

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