PRESSURE: What You See - Single - Reviewed By Hard Rock Info! Saturday February 20 2021, 6:51 PM
PRESSURE: What You See - Single - Reviewed By Hard Rock Info!

PRESSURE: What You See - Single - Reviewed By Hard Rock Info ! Check it out here at this link:

New single from this Stockholm, Sweden based trio. But this time it's not a Christmas song, but something that is more in the way that they use to sound. And that sound is some kind of heavy metal with their own twist. Or story metal as they call it themselves, which is a combination of traditional heavy metal and elements of melodic metal, with a lot of focus on the vocals. Add some heavy guitars to that and you might have an idea about their sound. "What You See" is taken from their upcoming album, which will be released sometime in late April/early May. Check it out! - Hard Rock Info

 ”Pressure wants you to use their music as tools to handle your life and to be proud of whoever you are! The music brings you closer to your own soul"


Band: Pressure
Track: ‘What  You See’ - ISRC – QZFYX2147196
YouTube (live February19th): -

English Version

(live February19th)

Release Date: 19thh February 2021
Written and composed by Simon Forsell, Olof Jönsson, Emil Salling 

‘What You See'

Stockholm Sweden’s ‘Story Metal’ trio PRESSURE have delivered yet again with another riveting and mesmerizing track from their up-and-coming album. Right from the opening laughter and guitar riffs from the heavy guitars, the song just keeps your ears at attention and wanting more. Olof's growling but clear tone just grabs and brings you inside the track.  This single release  is from the trio's up and coming album which will be self released sometime late April, early  May. 

Date and title TBA.

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WHAT YOU SEE (is what you get) the latest single from Pressure continues to express the ins-and-outs of life's pressures. This particular track relays the message of how society perceives people. The man centered in the song is strong within himself.  The track pushes the genre of music Pressure intends it to, which they are calling "STORY METAL". 

 “Story metal combines characteristics of traditional heavy metal with elements of melodic rock, with a lot of focus on the vocals! The beat varies as the mood of the song is written to reflect a true experience, challenge, emotion or occasion. “- Simon Forsell.

The term Story metal was first used in 2020 by the Swedish story metal band Pressure who plays story metal with three guitars and recorded drums and bass!

Story Metal definitely describes the concept of their songs and for the up-and-coming album.

A quote from Simon Forsell sums it up...

"Everyone has dreams – dare to live them. Everyone has inner strengths – do not let anyone tell you otherwise. Be yourself, show us what and who you are. Stand up, stand tall. What You See Is What You Get!"

The Band

Who are Pressure I hear you ask? Well if you had to tag them with a genre the one that fits best is a ‘melodic rock’ but they’re so much more than that. Hailing from Stockholm, Sweden and with vocalist Olof Jönsson you can always guarantee soaring, athletic and committed vocals.  Together with a twin guitar sound coming from songwriter and lead guitarist Simon “Siirpo” Forsell and Emil Salling. Their work often focuses and embraces the pressures felt from everyday existence. Their lyrics ably demonstrating that there are two sides to every story - the good and the bad. Every song has a double meaning and they truly see music as a tool to handle the different pressures thrown at us from the modern world. 

The band began their journey together in 2018, and since then they’ve worked tirelessly developing their sound and live performance, their aim? To make memories with their fans and to an epic musical soundtrack and develop the Story Metal genre.

A quote that can summarize their lyrics is: “How can you tell a story about life if you haven’t dared to live life to its fullest! 

Pressure is all about every story, every moment, every Pressure!

What You See – Lyrics

Here is the lyrics to What you see

What You See


Whenever a storm is rising

I have no fear, I stand my ground

I’m not a fake or a deceiver

I won’t pretend to be anything else

When I tell you, what I want

That's what I want and nothing more

When I’m crying,  I’m sad for real

There's no hidden agenda, from me


What you see, is what you get

Full of flaws, but unique

Yeah, what you see is what you get

Every single day, I am myself


Some people say what I should think and like

Their words means nothing to me

Other determines laws and rules

And what's considered right or wrong

Don’t want to listen but I have to

Want to be allowed to be myself

Every day I keep on fighting

For a chance, to be myself



Don’t tell me who I am

Don’t tell me who you are

Don’t tell me how you think everything works

I know who I am.

But do you? No you don't

CHR x 2

Listen to the band at these links:



Press Kit

Click above to access the band EPK






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Samantha Dodson at SambonePromos  

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