EMPYREAN FIRE - Deliverance - Reviewed By Kobzr! Thursday December 17 2020, 5:20 AM
 EMPYREAN FIRE - Deliverance - Reviewed By Kobzr!

MDPR Clients: EMPYREAN FIRE - Deliverance - Reviewed By Kobzr ! Check it out here at this link: https://www.kobzr-magazine.de/cd-reviews/e/empyrean-fire-deliverance/

EMPYREAN FIRE are here with a, I'll take it first, awesome album on the go. Because from the very first second an angry, original and truly black Black Metal attack of the most vicious and destructive kind overwhelms everything that gets in its way! Destructive riffs whip directly in the face from all sides and are supported by a raging, wonderfully originally mixed drum kit. This deadly team unfolds its power in various tempo realms, once in beating attacks, then again in slow mid-tempo parts. As far as vocals are concerned, EMPYREAN FIRE are surprisingly variable, because both grim croak vocals and clean parts accompany the songs. But it is above all the atmosphere that inspires me so much. Songs like "Gathering Storm"or "The Siege" might never let go of the listener again ... "Perdition" intervenes an unholy alliance with a driving black with Norwegian influences. The desperate refrain gives rise to goose bumps. And so it goes on, tempo, riffing and atmosphere are skillfully varied without violating the genre boundaries. Whether "Descent", "Final Battle" or "Corruption", in which you think you are wrongly placed in the middle of the battle; The sawing guitars in combination with berserk-like drums and angry bass always cause a clouding of the common good. Last but not least, the cover artwork and the production are right for this album, so that I can give an unreserved purchase recommendation for open-minded dark fans.The Siege "could possibly never let go of the listener again ..." Perdition "intervenes an unholy alliance with a driving Black with Norwegian influences. The desperate chorus gives rise to goosebumps. And so it goes on, tempo, riffing and atmosphere are skillfully varied, Without violating the genre boundaries.

The concept behind "Deliverance" was ruminated upon for years by front woman, Tricia Myers, after reading Milton's "Paradise Lost" and "Paradise Regained."

Deliverance is a sinister take on Milton's work, reshaping it with harrowing twists and malevolent revelations, each chapter a battle in the dragon's ascent to gain command over Hell on Earth. Will you bow down in battle, sunken before the spear?

Pre Order Here! https://empyreanfire666.bandcamp.com/album/deliverance


Releases December 26, 2020

1. Proclamation
2. Gathering Storm
3. Descent
4. Perdition
5. Corruption
6. The Siege
7. Final Battle

Tricia Myers - Vocals, Lyrics
Jason Yorke - Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Programming
Brian Rush - Vocals, Synths

Production & Concept by Tricia Myers
Mixed & Mastered by Jason Yorke
Album cover original painting by Gustav Dore'
Empyrean Fire sigil by Viktoria Polikarpova
Band photos by Jesse Lanier
Album layout by Empyrean Fire
Forthcoming Blasts: Michael Thompson
Released by Heavy Gloom Productions
© 2020

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