Metal Capital Festival - the biggest metal festival in Finland Monday December 7 2020, 12:00 AM
Metal Capital Festival - the biggest metal festival in Finland

For decades the city of Oulu has been known to be the metal music capital of Finland and our goal is to make it very clear that it still is! Horse race track of Äimärautio offers unbelievable grounds for a music festival and the area can hold up to 100.000 music fans. On the first year of the festival the ticket sales are limited to 10.000 tickets per day to ensure exclusive and safe festival experience. Festival site is located very close to the city center and there’s excellent travel connections with public transports or by foot/bicycle from the city center. Of course Oulu is easy for all foreign visitors as we have very active airport and train connections. We aim to organize a festival that is devoted purely to metal music which will offer premium class international roster of bands together with top finnish band lineup. We will also bring in bands that haven’t visited us yet or don’t play here too often. The bar will be set as high as our metal capital flag! As a festival experience our goal is to be the best in Finland. You can see the side by side set main stages from all over our festival area which is partly amphitheater like. Our two story VIP area is the place to be when you want to experience both main stages from the best viewing point with extra goodies. This is offered to a very limited group of festival goers so better be quick with the tickets! We love food almost as much as we love metal music so we have brought the best local restaurants to the festival also including fine (black) dining. There’s also other intresting things the experience at the festival are such as a tattoo museum!
Metal Capital Festival
There will be 31 performing bands on 3 stages during 2 days!
Oulu, Finland 18.-19.6.2021
Amaranthe (Swe)
Raised Fist (Swe)
Bodom After Midnight (Fin)
Eluveitie (Suii)
Soilwork (Swe)
Rise Of The North Star (Fra)
Ill Niño (USA)
Scar Symmetry (Swe)
Ensiferum (Fin)
Lost Society (Fin)
Diablo (Fin)
Iron Savior (Ger)
Before The Dawn (special gig) (Fin)
The Unguided (Swe)
Ruoska (Fin)
Eleine (Swe)
SDI (Ger)
Wolfheart (Fin)
Mors Principium Est (Fin)
The Duskfall (Swe)
Quake The Earth (Fin)
Vapahtaja (Fin)
Horna (Fin)
Ethereal Sin (Jap)
Verikalpa (Fin)
Antipope (Fin)
Face Of Our Time (Fin)
Rest of the bands will be announced later.
More info: 
 Istagram: metalcapitalfestival
Jesús & Óscar


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